I think I've cut my typo rate down a full .08 percent. Woo-hoo! (I maintain the typographical errors as some sort of charming artfulness.)
The revelations come: former Israeli Slecurity Chief on the Galactic Federation.
Anything to do with those sudden monoliths?
Trump: Pure CampBlake meets Burroughs.
clearing the way to post or trans humanism.
the case against Neera Tanden.
“Some lefties want to nix her bid too.”
Your Never Trumper Republican looks around.
Topple Mary Lease?. (Puzzling, “Wall Street owns this country” gets flagged as anti-semitism.
Communist Cookie Monster Mural Mystery Sparks Ire in Illinois.
pulled tv episodes… Why they don’t air the Michael Jackson Simpsons episode anymore.
do as we say, not as we do a covid-19 epidemic.
Matt Taibbi on that current political split.
Sean P McCarthy Wants to return politics to 1938, when he would be considered a fascist by the Communists.
oddly, getting at the same political problems but sticking with sniveling at the small town as pile of fascists.
as close as we will get to an antiwar president… Deal with it.
The much maligned Glenn Greenwald.
sorry, but by definition Natives were not “crucial” to Biden’s victory — it may have been had it come down to Arizona, sure, but…
organizing super spreader events. Whose effects on the virus can’t be reported seriously, as more superficial or politically deplorable ones will, because it’s a good cause.
The final paragraph of this Huffington Post article attempts to draw Amy Comey Barrett into Bundyville for innocuous patriotic reasonings.
why no one has any grounds to complain on heavy handed politicking of new Star Trek.
Worst Thanksgiving Weekend Box Office Numbers Ever … No Duh.
Counterpunch‘s election result thoughts.
Put some clothes on, Mary Wollstonecraft.
Assessing the disinfo on just how many were in that million maga thing.
Football player getting death threats over bad play.
Vatican investigating why Pope “like” d faux school girl model.
Letters to incoming presidents. Can’t help note the audible tooth-gnashing inherent in the lengthiest Obama to Trump letter.
David French on the cynical anti anti Trump defense
the endurance of the “Trump won”ners.
Trump election defense throwing the Georfia Senate elections?
the travails of red state Democrats, where to Doug Jones?
Cuomo Developing Vaccine to Make People Immune from Trump Vaccine, your mocking “right wing Onion” rejounder to Cuomo’s partisan lament.
breaking down Vermont’s write in votes.
politics making for bad literature
Internal politics within the Proud Boys: white nationalists versus western chauvanists.
…and yet, Trump won a decent swarth of black votes…
James Carville agrees that “defund the police”, though not taken up by any congress figures as noted by aoc, was a loser…
mississippi secesdionist congress critter
the search for electoral fraud and individual stories…
the case for forced freezing the planet
Zac Scalf, last place finisher.
Kentucky state police quotes Hitler.
Anarchists smash up Feminist clothing store.
How date Katy Perry suggest talking to family with other politics.
nothing wrong with one termers
The story behind Dennis Montgomery, of hammer and scoreboard fame.
What is to become of Boris Johnson?
Spotify internal battles over Joe Rogan
Counter-hostory: and what if the Soviets beat the US to the moon?
who has the shy voters?from Monmouth University out this past summer revealed that 27 percent of those surveyed believe that there are secret voters for Biden. Fifty-seven percent, however, say there are voters who secretly support Trump.
Glenn Greenwald on quitting The Intetcept.
Huh??? mentioned that her mentor in college, an English professor, gifted her a copy of Truman Capote’s collected works upon graduation. (Was the subtext that she is anti-LGBTQ?). Was Truman Capote a big antiLGBTQI figure?
Stupid idea: default voting. “No one thinks this is a good idea but me”. Indeed!
A week behind, but with worthwhile analysos: what happens when the nfc east sucks ad bad ad it does. Though, the one thing keeping me from the covid-19 rationalized in season nuclear option of axing a postseason berth; the increase of 2 playoff slots means the last one out team can’t complain, rules altered from a year back to benefit em.
Trump’s pitch to anti-war Libertarians.
Jprgensen’s rebuttal.
reports from the free state project
Donald Trump and The Extremely Online President,
word from australian -american dual citizens.
The Squad (aoc and company) attends conference with Young Turk host who said politically noxious things about 9/11, reports source of 9/11 truth conspiracism
maybe Bush ain’tspeaking? because he knows it would hamper his position. And he ain’t convincing the post election Trumpers…
readying more cognitive dissonance after any Trump defeat
the internet… Still not monetized. The bubble isabout to burst.
Biden’s gonna win in Nebraska.
… The case for why it may be “pivotal”… “it’s been one crazy year”
Trump wanted to show off a Superman shirt, because, uh
Behind the latest Hunter Biden allegation.
…now set up for entry one in of those “Biden Death List” to occupy the farther right.
When Malcolm X met with the kkk
our politics as the tv show The Prisoner
The search for the Christian groups behind the corporations behind the Washington football team’s name change.
Why is everyone so upset over the polygamy?
months of anti-police protests this summer sometimes turned to looting and arson, and Malley said there were some armed extremists on the left. But he emphasized that the real concern came from the right, where violent messaging had already produced deadly results.… Er, brushing right past that left wing violence while mentioning some of it.
Evan Dorkin and Roger Langride talk Bill and Ted.
plunging into the whitedate dating site.
Erin Smith dissects the antifa protest methods.
How many enemies do you have? os a polling question.
Yrump’s 2016 debate performance — effective. 2020 — not so much.
The latest from Franz Kafka: conceptually down graded, as is life in Kafka.
Thw Lincoln Project are a batch of griftersacting ad standard Democratic group.
cyber punks of the 80s,now neo-futurism.
Your next Kansas state rep, Aaron Coleman
voting against a “investigate qanon” resolution.
pilitically opportune ideals and the Supreme Court.
the prolonging of the election .
the anti social media video refuses to blame big C Capitalism, complains he.
Good Luck in battling this regime.
Note: I do not endorse all listed, indeed strenuously unendorse in strongest terms some things.
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Fountains of Wayne "I Want an Alien for Christmas"
The Divorce "Yes"
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