I think I've cut my typo rate down a full .08 percent. Woo-hoo! (I maintain the typographical errors as some sort of charming artfulness.)
searching for the origins of covid 19, what happened in Wuhan? Maybe it was in a lab afterall. (Note: I never dismissed the idea, un pc though it may be).
the deal with pepe cartoon skunk.
US troops must stay in Afghanistan until the Patriarchy is defeated. Uh huh.
Milo Yiannopoulos’s latest in his career as troll asshole: ex-gay.
On Andrew Cuomo and etc’s hypocrisy.
Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity,
behind the “Operation Underground Railroad” of ill meaning sex trafficer fighters.
The Atlantic has another of those ” how to reform the internet” articles
werewolves in history.
Matt Yglesias on the leftwing cudgel. All a”anti-racism” isn’t good.
Great murmur of the moment — cpac stage set= up as nazi rune? Cue search for square stages in a corner.
Sorry Mr. Zubrin, but Mars sucks.
Abbott and Cruz: still in goid shape.
some problems with Time magazine’s “saved democracy” story.
The Scientologists at eRepublic.
Apparently there’s a stilted / forced “reapprisal” on spears, hilton, et al “happening”. (And a dash of a mild Taylor Swift joke to get some panties i a bunch.) Maybe there’s somerhing to say on the flame of tabloid obsession and early sexualization on spears, but hilton — regardless of ” in on it” stance — remains obnoxious, class a better rubric than gender for analysis.
Matt Taibbi on the democratic passive aggressive query to cable providers on fox news and etc
noting something. George Washington University law professor, Jonathan Turley, a favorite of the Republicans, also rejected any role for govenment. In the Bush era he was a favorite of Democrats.
probing the problems of coverage on the Capital Hill assault.
the lgbt equality act as performative politics.
if George Washington could speak to Joseph Biden.
Ron Paul on Trump’s Impeachment.
Ralph Nader on Trump’s Impeachment.
what Robert Taft can say to the Republucans.
Woody Allen’s defense on the specifics the song the allegations were ripped from.
Ben Sasse versus Nebraska Republican Party.
The problem with AOC’s account with the police.
Things I just saw… An ad for a pendant for the Superbowl Champion, logo: New England Patriots. Tom.Brady casts a long shadow on his Tampa Bay Buccaneers win.
Faking your way to top is strata.
This year’s Superbowl ads, thematically divided.
Iranian Foreign Minister Fails to see the reason for the break up of the Nuclear Deal, which was — you know… Trump. Though, now we have this sticky wicket.
The marketing of Black Rifle Coffee.
The Racial issues of Bernie Sanders’s mittens… because, um, poor blacks can’t afford em and would be expected to dress up.
Alexandria Occasio Cortez vs Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I don’t understand this Trump poem, or where this fits into thebig “maga hat stealung” crisis.
San Francisco and renaming schools absurdism. see reasonings.
when can a student post a midfle finger at school authorities online?
throwing cold water on all the populist glee on the gamepro rescue …
next up, dog currency.
someone somewjere tginks you oughta wear masks during masturbation.
John Calhoum biographies in the age of now.
when cynthia mckinney meets with the ku klux klan.
why the lgntq and marijuana flags are flying in the first place… Dunno.
methinks the a1 sex robot is telling you what you want to hear.
What to do in dealing with ex trumpers suggested by way of post nazi germany, and disputed by every other comment by the left.
the perils of neat nazi comparisons.
how internet trolls brought a stock surge.
Proud Boys abandon Trump for being wimpy.
Hispanics improved Trump in NYC.
writer of Flash comics devise list of deplorables not to get any book deal.
The Washington Post Tried To Memory-Hole Kamala Harris’ Bad Joke About Inmates Begging for Food and Water.
reason faucci is distrusted by some… Casual “not levelling”.
Does ” Don’t Worry about the Government” by Talking Heads speak to the moment?
single dolt marches in Harrisburg.
Chicago Rapper curses Trump for lack of pardon as opposed to lil wayne.
aclu on the new war on domestoc terror. Notable, the precursors to the likes of Rashida Talib on this civil liberties issues platform– Cynthia McKinney for instance — would find their way on Alex Jones to voice these civil liberties isdues with the Patriot Act. Things seem to have shut down on both sides of the equation.
Jeff Zucker and his role in the rise of Trump.
Sen. Lankford apologizes to black Tulsa voters for questioning election results.
how leaderless music composition organizes.
Athens and Sparta music history.
Speaking of the ironic t shirt genre.
Oddly, this negative agreement with Ben Shapiro shows the benefits of platforming Ben Shapiro.
Joe Manchin considers removing Hawley and Cruz.
Invading the Capitol harder in the movies.
A history of tge Republican Party as The Establishment v The People… and this is the people
Antifa protesting Powells because Andy Ngo has a book in their catalouge.
Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural. Now more than Ever.
The Greateat Reset. Ponder some implications into conapiracy land.
Max Boot sees Romney as Republican Senate Leader and Cheney as House Leader. Very forward thinking.
Alien technology swatted by claims Harvard Profesdor.
Chewbacca in bikini was not at the Washington mob.
memes celebrating or coldly musing over the chaos.
She posted middle finger on snapchat, school disciplined her, things go to the Supreme Court.
Good Luck in battling this regime.
Note: I do not endorse all listed, indeed strenuously unendorse in strongest terms some things.
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Ronny Elliott "Mr. Edison's Electric Chair"
Bobby Short "Don't Bring Lulu"
TV On the Radio "Dreams"
Archers of Loaf "White Trash Heroes"
Murray Attaway "Fear of God"
Fountains of Wayne "I Want an Alien for Christmas"
The Divorce "Yes"
The Bluetones "Mudslide"
Black Box Recorder "Brutality"
Meat Puppets "Leaves"
Gorillaz "Clint Eastwood"
Neil Young "Keep on Rocking in the Free World"
The Louvin Brothers "The Great Atomic Power"
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