I think I've cut my typo rate down a full .08 percent. Woo-hoo! (I maintain the typographical errors as some sort of charming artfulness.)
Facebook has the power to remove things on facebook and that’s about it.
Arundhati Roy blasts Modi on covid.
Dateline Villages, Florida — Trump fans decorate bus.
Lord Buckethead became Count Binface in his mayoral bid, though the copyright holder for that there Lord Buckethead has Twitter feed
Qanon “pedophile l conspiracy buster”]) supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene Lin rally with Matt Gaetz, currently accused of sexual impropriety with 17 year old).
Eldridge Cleaver’s road to Mormonism.
The Gum commercial and our Our immediate future of advertising.
The Mark Zuckerberg / Tim Cook feud.
when the yippies reunited in the mid 80s.
the rise and fall of Michael Sam.
Abolish Lasgna hashtags for a day.
Why is it I could tell the experts these “revelations” on the self image of vaccine skeptics before the resources dropoed on research?
same tool and psychology celebrated when used for good or approved uses is castigated when used for not good or not approved uses. So goes the headline on “Extremists use memes, act friendly”.
What Facebook Did during that Chauvin’s Trial Should Happen All the Time.
Trump was right. Post office politics.
The National Review’s sarcastic response to one line regarding the police shooting at the knife fight.
Iraq tries its ‘Candid Camera’ type program with fake ISIS kidnappings.
The Dishonest Trans Women in Sports Debate … The case for not giving a damned, or Since when does the Right give a damned about women’s sports?
Self parody, right? Infowars has an uber patriotic “Star Spangled Banner” display. Parker and Stone directed it, right? Maybe something mocking Bush era political posturing on the old Colbert Report?
Dorthy is going to be retoactively drinking cold refreshing cans of Coca Cola.
Dissecting that “Anglo Saxxon Caucus” of Marjorie Taylor Greene.
On that coming Caitlyn Jenner gubernatorial run. Should shake up the electorate make-up, right? (Worth pointing out, if elected succesdfully spiting some liberal triumphantalism, Jenner would’s election against a Michelle Goldberg thesis of “could never be a female Andrew Yang“.
The attempt to frame for Andrew Yang “Billy Bush” “locker room talk” moment in bloom… Comments tear it apart.
Morrissey objects to his Simpsons parody.  Open letter full of self pitying ennui you might expect from a Smiths song. Simpson’s writer is disingenuous in claiming “am amalgamation” — like, 95 percent Morrissey, 5 percent other.
Hank Hill — not Trump voter. An open debate.
Sure. “Alien” out. That leaves “immigrant” (or “migrant”) with the adjective ” illegal” in place… Though, not.
Giving make work to Sisyphus and its implications for public policy.
Washington Monthly confirms allegations of GOPers – Supreme Court increasing proposals are threats to shift the court. I will suggest I don’t think Roberts wants to touch Abortion, regardless of supposed “commission sword”.
The My Little Pony Nazis.
The tactic of protesters yelling in front of the mayor’s home isn’t limited to Portland, I see.
Despite how it seems, there aren’t many celebrities in politics.
the problem with North Carolina’s trans student bill as opposed to some others.
Andrew Sullivan tries to find a center on transgendered politics. Simple observation is it cannot here be “compromise” as much as finding the gods honest reality — even if it so happens to be situated away from two extremes.
Contacting that aliens may just be viewed as an invitation for them to rule us.
Calling vibrators “sex toys” is in pc now.
The United States of Al can’t win with the cultural police.
A history of State of Jefferson voting.
“abortion storytelling nonprofit”. Odd phrase that is laid unexamined or explained.
The Taliban knows its Billy Bean sabermetrics.
A look see into George Floyd Square, one of them “autonomous zones”.
Alex Jones and info wars does that ” Illuminati symbolism” click bait thing they’d done before with Lady Gaga and Rihanna with Country Music Star Lil Nas X. (Interesting the man would probably largely agree with this analysis.)
Kevin Drum lists the democratic and antidemocratic features of the Georgia Voting Law. (Water provision figures not at all).
National Review has a too cute by half anti voting argument.
New Republic debate over Trump and Evangelical Christianity.
;l;;gmlxzssaw”. Premise to screwball comedy about nuclear annihilation.
the biggest problem with Georgia’s Voting Law: stripping Secretary of State of authority over elections and putting it to legislative appointee.
why cries of foul over water handing is overwrought.
how Soviet kids learned American geography.
Dav Pilkey’s self censorship poses a quandry for his regular place on “Banned Book Week”.
A Draft Alan Grayson petition, because they forget his “me too” allegations and political defeats.
The coming covid bracelets
Qanon began with new ageism?. And isn’t the story about all those white suburban women fearing pedophile conspirators?
the risr and fall of Portland.
Scientists want to build a doomsday vault on the moon.
The Republican’s Great Hope in Georgia: Herschel Walker and his gay anti-BLM, pro-Trump, TikToker.
It might not be kosher to point this out, but… these “black” muppets are orange.
Yeah, we know… Trump was good for ratings. Good message for a sequal to Network.
Guitar groups are on the way out again. As too other groups.
British Monarchy mania hits American Right.
So… essentially the Cleveland paper just won’t be covering the Josh Handel campaign?
The dream of ‘National Public Internet”, or bbc.
many troubles posed with news of misquoting Trump, but it isn’t the call I always quoted as to why Trump ought be deposed at theend there.
the fate of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach.
qanon = nazis, a bit iffy in completeness.
down in the state legislatures.
future prospective pilitical appointees should not tweet.
A very large proportion of homeschooling parents are ideologically committed to isolating their children from the majority culture and indoctrinating them in views and values that are in serious conflict with that culture
Isolating from the majority culturemay be inadvisavle but depending on definations staying aloof from some facets is advisable.
Matt Taibbi believes the Media has shifted to one party hacks.
Glenn Greenwald sees the targeting of subStack.
Both of whom run afoul in the fraught land of deliberating how to keep the Internet from destroying Democracy.
miscegenation etymology.
The San Francisco School Board vs. Abraham Lincoln (High School).
faulty lessoning for kindergarden ofcritical race theory.
flying cars coming to New Hampshire?
NC high court backs judge who made blogger write essay and delete negative comments.
in defense of protecting the rights of anyone aligned with the politics of the Capitol Hill Event, the discovery of aclu points against any fbi dragnet.
Good Luck in battling this regime.
Note: I do not endorse all listed, indeed strenuously unendorse in strongest terms some things.
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Ronny Elliott "Mr. Edison's Electric Chair"
Bobby Short "Don't Bring Lulu"
TV On the Radio "Dreams"
Archers of Loaf "White Trash Heroes"
Murray Attaway "Fear of God"
Fountains of Wayne "I Want an Alien for Christmas"
The Divorce "Yes"
The Bluetones "Mudslide"
Black Box Recorder "Brutality"
Meat Puppets "Leaves"
Gorillaz "Clint Eastwood"
Neil Young "Keep on Rocking in the Free World"
The Louvin Brothers "The Great Atomic Power"
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