I think I've cut my typo rate down a full .08 percent. Woo-hoo! (I maintain the typographical errors as some sort of charming artfulness.)
On this Robot Chicken bit — Evan Dorkin did it first.
Quick! When did The Middle Ages end, and the Renaissance begin, and what marks them off?
voting for all the winners since 1988. darklordoftech has the best answer.
Church going Catholics and where they stand on pro choice politicians receiving Communion. No further breakdown on non Church going Catholics.
Girl Scouts now more prestigious than Boy Scouts.
Yahoo News names some stars: Meghan McCain, Priyanka Chopra, Constance Wu and Scarlett Johansson — Meghan McCain is a star?
National Review finds its way to praising Jon Stewart for accepting China lab leak theory, because of comparison with Stephen Colbert is partisanship. Worth pointing out, Jon Stewart once got screwed by accepting conservative frame (not wanting to be partisan shill) and accepting the dishonestly edited ACORN “revelation” video.
Bill Maher: California needs to get out of the Almond business.
a history of the Jewish vote from Wilson to Biden.
Republic of Sarah fails to have any real allegories.
Against federal funding of The Arts.
The ‘Tony Fauci greatest mass murderer in history’ line presents the problem of conspiratorial wackjobs like Alex Jones — anything even vaguely resembling legitimate criticism of Faucci gand covid response gets smashed away by this.
On The Onion’s “Graduation speech tips: Consider keeping it short, as you have no life experience and no goddamn idea what the fuck you’re talking about — oddly probably not referencing that much celebrated pro-choice message speech.
Bill Maher on how, yes, things have improved. I will note that the corporate imaging of gayness does get a ” harumph” from a faction of lgbtqiasetcetc crew, but then that may land on part of Maher’s point.
now a bipartisan trouble. We see some loaded accusatory framing for educational policy where you shuffle between two sides but not for the purpose of splitting a difference — you view two sides who for the sake of the future — NEED TO LOSE.
I am always interested in creations of sorta unfashionable alternativev”cannons” — and here Donald Barthelme sounds like an interesting author.
links displaying what is wrong with the “Citizen” app.
Sure, Fauci deserves criticism.
Vanity Fair’s “yeah, it might’ve come from a lab” story. Commenters respond with a ” what difference does it make?” with rebuttals.
Neuhaus’s Law holds that wherever orthodoxy is optional, it will eventually be proscribed.
The problem with Biden’s “zoomer generation Internet influencer” summit: we are narrow cast so everyone is a star, so it is a batch of people no one has ever heard of.
Mother Jones’s problem with liberal media coverage of the Floyd protests and my gauge of a “I… Guess, but” not much room in not getting such a criticism no matter where you go with the feed.
Hey! The American Conservative presents a pro Gaddafi piece!
The Unification Chur h lands in Limestone County, Texas.
Wesley Clarke has an article in the Washington Monthly where he frankly doesn’t say much of anything.
WSJ article on Wuhan lab wrote infamous NYT WMD piece. Means little — just someone prone to government contacts who can have ulterior motive.
… The Washington Post does a bit of retroactive headline editing.
How Glenn Greenwald became the Right favorite Leftist.
U of O expands off campus student monitoring.
L Ron Hubbard and Leni Riefenstahl and what they offered each other.
Biden and Fauci’s zoomer influencers.
Weeeee! Roger Stone proposes debate with Steve Bannon on Alex Jones show. Who to root for, how to digest Trumpland civil war contours, why care?
photoshopped images in the news.
Begging the question: who cares what precisely Gwen Stefani’s politics are?
A word from Eliot Page: “and if you are also not going to allow trans kids play sports, children will die and it really is that simple.”. I don’t follow.
Mysterious radio bursts in space
Microsoft president: Orwell’s 1984 could happen in 2024
New Life for Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis.
Arizona recount set to discover Trump victory because that is how it is set up.
Solving that internet bubble game.
The Belarusan dissident Protasevich and when he knew the State had nabbed him.
The fascinating thing about Obama’s proposal to just rename some key policies “Trump” acts is … It was a common joke right after the 2016 election.
Biden and Fauci’s Generation Z internet celebrities combating vivid vaccine hesitancy. Varied grouping, I suppose.
One problem with Tebow’s low level high profile return to NFL — the Kaeperneck whiners have a reasoning to compare and complain — 2 cause celebres with less than stellar play. Still, Tebow is selling a lot of jerseys — so I guess he’s worth a ride.
NOthing wrong with attending something on the post Christian Era, If you charge Pence and Pompeii with it you better explain the details.
Twitch promises to quit discriminating against Sexy.
Biden removes Michael Savage from Presidio Trust Board.
Jose Godoy becomes 20,000 player in major league history.
Censorship History Studies: The producers of Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear were told in 1826 to rewrite the play so that Lear did not die at the end.
Critical Theory and its discontents and limits. Claims of truth are always contingent, and attempts to assert one with finality— […] —are likely to end in authoritarianism, Harcourt warns. But even when they don’t, they amount to an end-run around politics
What to look for and what not to look for with any Insurrection turned Civil War.
Kim Jong Un cracks down on Mullets and skinny jeans and nose piercings.
I don’t know, maybe Caitlyn Jenner had an honest change of of opinion upon considering the issue after her first glow of identity politics wore off, beyond the hysterical rhetoric of “the hundred of trans youth who are currently being written out of existence” in terms of high school athletics.
the left is antsy about Andrew Yang.
yes, covid just may jave started as a lab accident.
19th century Democratic Party fealty to slavery as object lesson to purity oaths.
The case for gay cops marching.
no there is no voter fraud in Kansas.
the young turks of Massachusetts Democrats run up against reality, as does the Establishment.
A history of cults, things called cults, and panics surrounding them
the great drama induced by substack
Three time Jeopardy winner accused of flashing white supremacy signals.
National Review pesters the problem of partisan pointing as not argument, at ti!es hypocritical or… There’s space for this smug not arguing.
Vaccine hesitancy is not Trump’s fault.
NYPD not allowed in Gay Pride Parade.
The Horatio Alger story behind the creation of Flaming Hot Cheetos is a lie.
Rc Harvey says Bob Montana created Archie, not John Goldwater, though didn’t he just snatch Andy Hardy and Tippy Teen?
Obama set to rise in that Presidential ranking parlor game.
Governor DeSantis’s mask violator pardoning… OK, but diverts from more important things.
On the Lost South mythologists.
one interesting point about the statue toppers and etc.
Crackers list of someone that double as horror films with one thought.
Bill Maher on current progressive moral panic raging.
The failed honey trap attempts of Trump’s political soldiers.
Good Luck in battling this regime.
Note: I do not endorse all listed, indeed strenuously unendorse in strongest terms some things.
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