I think I've cut my typo rate down a full .08 percent. Woo-hoo! (I maintain the typographical errors as some sort of charming artfulness.)
;Pokemon Go adjusts to coronavirus.
;Trump’s post coronavirus speech remarks.
Muhammed Salman is an evil tyrant.
Bill Mahrer is simultaneously wrong and right on Democratic donations.
Kremlin holds us secession conference;
Well, that’s the end of Andrew Gillum’s electoral career.
The experimental city, the environmental movement of old. The speculative impulse.
aoc staff alumni launch socialist realist propaganda medium.
the wikipedia page on Woody Allen’s sexual assault allegation.
how trump is stepping over pence’s coronavirus response efforts.
william gibson writes around trump.
If i saw it on youtube, it must be true
the michelle obama was once… Michael?
The need for a lenin/stalin
clarifies, i guess
elizabeth warren, autopsy missing a couple of elements and not over-emphasizing the one everyone’s stuck on.
Ann Coulter makes the case for Bernie.
what Bill Clinton said about Vladimir Putin.
no one seems to give a snit about the looming end of the Afghanistan War.
I had to dig to find golfer Scott Piercy’s supposed offensive tweet, news reports seemingly going with the “don’t repeat it” line of thought. Now that I see it, I agree with his non-apology. The Pepe frog throws it off a tad, but…
the long election lines need to be solved by November.
A scan of the timber unity participants’ social media.
Oh yeah, the cornavirus reponse sucketh.
just a damnedable mid-life crisis if one of politico cultural jumpings.
reviewing nuclear quarantine narrativein our current pandemic.
Yeah, this was the policy at 6th grade dance. Don’t know that there’s massive cultural political travails to wring out of it.
15 questions for Bernie Sanders. I like the nhs treating bigots question.
John McAfee drops out of libertarian race, asks Vermin Supreme to pick him as running mate.
science of the sexy baby voice.
one splicing of southern democrats’ voting habits
and a different one, specifically the black vote.
Paul Begala thinks Trump will dump Pence for Haley timed at the dnc convention.
Cenk Uygar questions Beto O’Rourke’s political judgement in backing Biden on the eve of his own shellocking in a congressional election.
the “bro culture” defense of Bloomberg.
… Bloomberg’s net favorability with democratic electorate: -40%.
the quincy institute blows it by putting on David Petraeus.
a bdsm guru accused of sexual impropriety (er… Rape) will have a pretty good ground for defense.
Katie Hill claims victimhood at hands of patriarchy in new book on her congressional downfall even though she fell for the same sins as all the men who fell.
do not bother a quibble if you throw a cornavirus party.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez legislates religion.
ok, but… I see nothing to corroborate that Elizbeth Warren has a “objecrively broader coalition.
A deep dive on why the louisiana republicans did not sanction why David Duke though just did Mitt Romney.
what donald trump actually shares with roman emperors.
how fraktur became the font of nazi germany.
anderson cooper shouts at rod blagojevich.
rod blagojevich is what trump’s clemacy legacy looks like, not alice johnson.
scenes from the weinstein trial.
blomberg’s campaign is as democratic as all the others.
bloomberg’s fraudulent social media accounts.
mike hughes will never be able to find his answer on the flat vs round ness of earth.
I’m more tolerant of this line of weinstein defense than any respectable opinion would allow, broadly if not specifically, but then we get toreasonable doubt shouts on fringe fetishes and you have to scoff.
in defense of scantily clad video game heroines. You do gotta love the superpower, her… Exposed skin… Has powers.
to what extent does every politico drown into a cult?
generic threat which if taken beyond political careers stands as reason to cling…
I fail to understand why they can’t differentiate between the stalker figure and the hot take figure.
on erasing past photo parts thank you apple
again, differentiate the reactions of trolls and complainers.
the nh primary recap.
I detest too cute politician stunts that refuse to bother with the opponent’s arguing. We can look forward to such stupidity in the coming post r v w world.
dems ahead in the polls, even with reasons to fret.
Lisa Murkowski: No, it doesn’t appear Trump “learned” from impeachment. Or better to say… Sure has, but is cynical message.
Utah considers lessening criminal travails for polygamy. I suppose the polyamorists abounding are unaffected, not in the marriage game, or prepping for open mistress…
prosecutors quit after Roger Stone judgement down=graded.
note the national review on transgender arguments in South Dakota, not your cartoon
university of oklahoma hurls against prof denouncing “ok boomer” as a slur like that other one…
does the new sonic the hedgehog movie stay true to the source material?
the less than pluses on requiring or requesting the vice president be announced now.
Johnny Appleseed not a good precursor for the trillion trees project.
Ron Paul not a fan of Pere Buttigieg, says follow the money back to… CIA.
Pete Price: I am not a lizard person...
Trump’s SOTU personal story on saving family from evil failing public school. bald faced lie.
vermin supreme squashed in Iowa caucuses.
useless headline from teen vogue.
bill weld explains how… On the ballot in seven states, if interested…
On this story of emphasis marching in dc, it is worth pointing they have trio’s infamous “both sides” in Charlottesville comment wrong. it was good people on both sides, not who was responsible.
Delicate border political consensus upended at the border.
Interesting to note America attached to phrase of retail apocalpse, as though it alone …
jane austen has one last unfinoshed novel.. Which gets a little dark.
actually, trump thought killing some bad guy was instrumental to winning re-election. Probably right.
scientists discover splotch on salvator mundi. Leonardo da vinca had inky fingers.
Exit the age of controlled fire, enter the next age where mankind no longer contols the fire..
rock, paper, scissors. Working together as weaponry.
remembering jussie smollett.. If trump wins re-election, it is because of jussie smollett.
meeting michael the black man, trump’s visible sign pumper.
let the jeffrey epstein conspiracy theories flow. Because ain’t no more bs than the official story.
dissecting larry david’s maga hat.
friedman sucks still or again.. Iran as some third world caricature.
why the dems can’t win the proleteriat.
Good Luck in battling this regime.
Note: I do not endorse all listed, indeed strenuously unendorse in strongest terms some things.
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