I think I've cut my typo rate down a full .08 percent. Woo-hoo! (I maintain the typographical errors as some sort of charming artfulness.)
Yahoo news covers Art Bell / Forteen Times oldie about Siberian pathway to Hell moans
Jackasses will not let people be. The new trend in political activism.
the dark ages were not all dark
Easy enough to explain. Previously a pass heavy offense made by running back injuries fizzled due to predictability, so until new elite receivers came, the run was king.
Laying out how you will try to leave the system during the coming social credit system.
The funny thing is this anti tech monopoly article dovetails into the same issues. Though they’d call Drehrer someone not adjusting to a post Christian America and freaking out.
the 1619 Project re-writes its history.
Trump’s tax returns show the reason for Occupy.
Will democracynow do as they dod four years’ back and splice the Green Party candidate in?
On first glance, I thought the confusion lay on mistaking the name Seton Hall for Satan Hall.
Biden, in the name of social justoce, holds Edison as not inventing the lightbulb.
“If Trump pardons Snowden he has my vote”
Anyone out there chart the ideological belief of the Boogooloos? Breaking fans?
What is punctuation on this day?
History class cancelled for social justice, proposed.
Students demand back the blue observing art profs get canned.
The Boss Tweed caricature has some truth to it.
A bird engaged in class warfare
A reviewing of Kevin Shipp’s youtube videos
So. qanon, eh?
Trump says disparaging things about Christians, transactional politics intercede any relevance.
Kenosha, Portland and Bosnia, Civil War Ii.
Kansas Demcrats nominate teenager with sexual assault history due to progressive checklist.
protesters make their demands to Rand Paul.
Funny, there is a definite “right back atcha” with progressivism for this headline.
the coming uneven election counting that will show Trump disproportionately up.
Archibald Macleish anecdotally
Kanye West is killing off bird species.
The American political scene as Classical Greek melodrama.
Camper Van Beethoven predicted the present
how Sisters of Mercy became qanon fodder.
why social justice warrior slideshows now dominate instagram
Tennessee nanny state bureaucrats to do check in on every child. What coulda gone wrong?
Umbrella Man agent provocateur in Minnesota.
stock photos as agent provocateurs from The Ukraine.
if he could just personalize it as happening from the enemies of Trump, Edward Snowden could be pardoned.
On Viral lies. No, George Floyd was not on Judge Judy ten years ago.
what the feds are doing in Portland, test run for nov?
This article goes pretending all sordid acts are agent provocateurs
The predictable radical intersectional breaking of the Wall of Moms protest
Who is running against Tom Cotton?
bringing Classical Greece to Portland
where will qanon turn post Trump?
Whither the “want nothing to do with battling Trump Dems that boosted the 2018 midterm results?
John McWhorter is not a fan of Robin DiAngelo’s book
The cancellation of the Hajj Pilgrimage
Joe Biden 2020: so far so good
man trademarked bunches of names in anticipation of Washington Redskins change-over
“Washington Code Talkers???
historical classifications of conspiracy theories.
How Republicans won Hispanics… Probably not apt to win latinxes.
why the media care to praise some govs but not others. Geographic and personality sexiness.
Why is the NYT covering Ted Cruz sipping coffee, sans facemask?
Matt Tiabbi on the writer of the current buzz word de jour…
… And the author in her high speaking fees is a hypocrite.
officer friendly v scared straight how cop presentations worked at white and black schools.
a defense of Trump’s anti-war credentials, relatively.
the story of the one america news network.
how anti abortionists can read the latest Roberts decisuon more optimistically than they are.
Details maybe a tad off we may be at peak Biden
long overview on the problems of gerrymandering, one relevant comment.
arch-bishop performs exorcism at site of statue toppling.
Jon Stewart contradicts himself.
“white jesus” the battle rags
did it take Tim Scott to get the President to decide or notice the white power call on his tweet? (tends to get in the way of his current political and policy positioning efforts.
Trump delays testing for political purposes.
the email list behind the David Shor canning. Comments section, as always, has interesting content.
the washington post reports on an old halloween party.
and here…
Winston Churchill’s progressive legacy
Saul Bellow’s novel of ungovernable cities
Good Luck in battling this regime.
Note: I do not endorse all listed, indeed strenuously unendorse in strongest terms some things.
Watching America
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Improbably Research
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Bobby Short "Don't Bring Lulu"
TV On the Radio "Dreams"
Archers of Loaf "White Trash Heroes"
Murray Attaway "Fear of God"
Fountains of Wayne "I Want an Alien for Christmas"
The Divorce "Yes"
The Bluetones "Mudslide"
Black Box Recorder "Brutality"
Meat Puppets "Leaves"
Gorillaz "Clint Eastwood"
Neil Young "Keep on Rocking in the Free World"
The Louvin Brothers "The Great Atomic Power"
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