Another Message From George
Saturday, August 21st, 2004
Woke up in a Astra/Purgatory World…..many groups of men in fatigues fighting, many wounded, a blind Lt. giving orders, pulling rank, he got relieved………..the pope hiding statue of infant Jesus, runing to hid with fellow religious from the battle……
Was thinking, they should put Jesus in front and let baby Jesus put a end to the fighting……many of the soldiers had look of, what are we fighting for and getting wouded?…..
Old Jesus telling me now, that like ‘they’ want me to come and trash the Planet but thats not my thing…He says that we got to groove with Him, from Day One 3/25, right into the Passion and Resurrection and Ascension and down through the Ages of Time…..putting Mercy on it all, as little angels-to-be that we are, together with Michael/Maria and the whole family with Joseph…….
Ave Maria
cub reporter
Time Traveler
ps remember, John the baptist, tellin religious ones of his day, that the gutter sluts and other outcasts were entering, ‘the kingdom of GOD’ and the religious ones where wallowing in the the mire and Mary Magdalene, with her $ billions $ [sort of a mix of Diana/Jackie O] becoming the great apostle of the love of the Resurrection…..dont mean to sound to ‘white’…lol
Make of it what you wish. There’s more on this thread. Example:
Your some Cookie, Ms darkraven…you and view’s of few others aren’t whole site….dont know if Vopel remark to me or others i mentioned… cutie…remember, i droped the rock of Peter on you…and Mon trumped you with the 13 yo stufff…here with the teenage Madonna/Mary…..peace to Marias friends, you are in H-e-l-l with Hillary/Oprah to the others ……and all the men who never loved a Woman to folly, its cause she saved the best for her girlfriends and never let you……to the others who have, lol
Just thought you needed to know.