Archive for the 'Conspiranoia' Category

Elsewhere Thoughts on CIA

Sunday, November 28th, 2004

I: Counterpunch

II: So let me get this straight.

These are the guys who have been working against the American people and burying secrets for over 50 years. The same folk who have (according to articles and ideas posted to this website) at every turn lied, conjouled, bribed, threatened and even killed to keep their own secrets and to promote their own agenda or the agenda of powerfull people/aliens.

Yet, conjouring up some false evidence and disinformation (something they prety much invented, allegedly) about Iraq caused some to get cold feet? The president (their boss and the person who directs the policy for the entire country) told them to do something that was unethical/illegal and the CIA (being conscious laden and legal minded) decides to buck him on it. The man who among other things controls their budget, and can apoint whomever to run the place. Hedging their bets in an election year with a race as close as this one was billed to be.

And, this same agency who has lied to promote their own agenda, for over 50 years, writes a report and leaks some information and you openly accept is as the gospel. The smoking gun of impropriety?

Is that it?

No chance its another push towards their agenda?? Or has it become the kinder, gnetler CIA? One dedicated to Safety and Justice? One who will deliver the truth to the American People?

When the Devil tells the truth, it is always wrapped in a lie and soaked with manipulation.

III: The idea of Purging the CIA is an illusion. Why didn’t they drop them when they bombed the Chinese embassy? They are only purging to make way for a bigger agency.

Kennedy attempted to break them up and was shot.

This is all a big show.

Sears Owns KMART now.. and guess what ? It is still Kmart!

CIA can be called the Keystone cops and they still will have corrupt members covering stuff up and taking bribes.. it’s not going to change a thing.. FOR THEM. We however will probably end up paying for it in some way.

IV: The Agency is not a monolithic organization. There are many factions within it and of course a considerable amount of internal conflict and competition. Many of them look at the President as a temporary annoyance, one that is here and gone in four or eight years. The careerists are in it for the long haul, Bush, Clinton, etc., are not (I hope).

I think that a number of the people around Bush/Cheney simply wish to #### the torpedoes and crash straight ahead into their utopian madness. A Central Intelligence Agency made friendlier to their inept and idiotic strategy of global dominance is just what the good doctor ordered. Look what happened when Carter purged the Agency back after the Church and Pike investigations of Assassinations and Dirty Covert Operations… Many of those spooks then went into the “private” sector, or “off the shelf” as it is called now. They went to work to place Ray-Gun and G.H.W. Bush (especially Bush) into office so as to have their revenge and to once again have a gang in office that would shape American Policy as they dreamed it should be.

If the current Bush continues to restructure the CIA, he will be shooting himself in the foot. Some of those folks don’t like being dumped like a cheap trick, and will, as they have in the past, leak information/misinformation to the Press to further their own interests. But if the intention is to prepare for a massive restructuring of the Agency to broaden the covert operations abilities worldwide (to wage the eternal crusade for peace) then an ideological transformation is to be expected.

And this reminds me of a book I noticed a few years ago. A career officer in the CIA wrote it, and he proposed the limiting of “democracy” in the USA as a strong step towards safeguarding the interests of The FatherLand. Clyde is right in that we are going to see bigger and badder spy agencies here, and it will be to support that vision of a more totalitarian future where the rich and powerful won’t have to worry about any messy Democracy.

Etc etc Blah blah blah

Tin Foil or Aluminum, I do not know

Sunday, November 14th, 2004

I understand why Paul Wellstone had to be murdered. Somewhat out of league with the national Consensus formed by the useless Democratic Party, under the watchful eye of the recently deposed Democratic Senate leader Tom Daschle… we had a man offering up actual opposition who was opening up a double digit lead in his Senate race, and that precedent could not stand. (Daschle is said to have been defeated because he offered up too much resistance, which means that it probably doesn’t matter one iota whether or not he is defeated.) The powers that could be could care less which of the two figures waiting in the wing, the tired aging traditional Liberal Walter Mondale and the young, image-moderate former centrist Democrat now Republican, and happy Bush-ditto, Norm Coleman, comes through.

But that doesn’t explain why in the world Mel Carnahan would have to be “disappeared”. If one is to believe that Wellstone was assassinated, one would also have to believe that Carnahan was killed as well, since he died in the same way. By all appearances, Mel Carnahan was a standard pol, and the fact is he was losing to John Ashcroft. The joke that “John Ashcroft lost to a dead guy” never struck me as funny, because he lost because of and not in spite of the fact that his opponent was dead.

Perhaps the string-pullers of the New World Order saw far enough ahead to where they would need him as Attorney General to bring a little… this to governance:

Let the eagle soar,
Like she’s never soared before.
From rocky coast to golden shore,
Let the mighty eagle soar.
Soar with healing in her wings,
As the land beneath her sings:
‘Only god, no other kings.’
This country’s far too young to die.
We’ve still got a lot of climbing to do,
And we can make it if we try.
Built by toils and struggles
God has led us through.

The coming replacement of Ashcroft with Mr. Gonzalez flummoxes me, perhaps exposing yet again the uselessness of the Democratic Party. You can not properly oppose the “Geneva Accords have been rendered Quaint” guy? Word on the street is that this is a bit of psycho-politics, where red-state Democrats smarting from Tom Daschle’s demise, must filibuster carefully… more word on the street is that Gonzalez is the more ‘moderate’ choice for Supreme Court, and the Religious Right are upset that he doesn’t take a tough enough stand on whatever and whatnot.

May God Help Us All… and Let the Eagle Soar, Like He’s Never Soared Before.

Jim DeMint — Skull and Bones?

Saturday, October 16th, 2004

To whoever asked this question, as per the stats:

I can’t figure out whether Representative Jim DeMint, Republican Senate candidate for South Carolina, is a member of Skull and Bones. If he is, then I guess Tim Russert will be obliged to ask the question when he appears on Meet the Press tomorrow for one of those Senatorial debates.

BUT … he is a member of a somewhat more grown-up secret society of sorts…

THE FAMILY. Or is it THE FELLOWSHIP. An article appeared in Harpers over a year ago. An “undercover” operation infiltrating “The Family.” One of those articles that doesn’t quite inspire confidence in Harpers, and leaves only vague pronouncements of what they’re trying to tell you. Another article made its way into the Associated Press, but they were more impressed with the rent they pay.

More Commentary found here.

Closing up shop

Thursday, October 14th, 2004

The Democratic Senator of Minnesota, Mike Dayton, has closed up his Senate office.

Time for the Conspiracy Theorists to put this in light with the Paul Wellstone death. As likely to be a Clinton Cabal Murder as it is a Bush Cabal Murder… Wellstone being, in the end, separate from the Democratic Party to a certain extent in principled voting habits, and the man who replaced him on the ballot, Walter Mondale, being a Council on Foreign Relations member who would’ve not created any waves and would’ve toed the New World Order line.

Or something like that.

The greater puzzle for the Conspiracy Theorists is: What does Dayton know that we don’t? and What is the message that this is sending?, perhaps trying to telegraph to the public at large.

Saw some Democratic Minnesota blogger say that this is making him a laughingstock, and cementing him as a one-term Senator.

And saw someone else say that the Senator is essentially calling their bluff on terror warnings.

“There’s no new threat or information pertaining to a threat that’s come in. We continue to advise (people) to take caution … but there’s no new information that we’ve put out,” said Sgt. Contricia Ford of the U.S. Capitol Police.

Brian Roehrkasse, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, added: “We have not made a recommendation for any members of Congress to close their offices, and we do not have any specific threat reporting indicating that Washington, D.C., and the Capitol is a target.”

But Dayton told reporters in Minneapolis that Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tennessee, recently briefed lawmakers on a “top-secret intelligence report on our national security.”

“I would not bring my two sons to Capitol Hill between now and the elections,” he said.

Dayton issued a statement earlier in the day, announcing that he was closing his Washington office until after the election.

“I do so out of extreme, but necessary, precaution to protect the lives and safety of my Senate staff and my Minnesota constituents, who might otherwise visit my office in the next few weeks. I feel compelled to do so, because I will not be here in Washington to share in what I consider to be an unacceptably greater risk to their safety.”

Recall right after 9/11, the House closed up shop due to a threat of Anthrax and the Senate kept on going. Or it was vice versa, I don’t remember. The NY Post, or some similar rag, ran the headline “COWARDS”.

The reality is it was a prudent decision, and the nation is not going to self-destruct because a chamber of Congress shuts down for a brief duration.

Or, right after 9/11… when Tom Daschle (or was it Dan Rather, or was it both?), Tom Brokaw, and the National Inquirer received Anthrax in the mail…

The name of National Inquirer’s umbrella company… “American Media”.

So, you attack the supposed leader of the supposed Liberal party, a face or two of the supposed Liberal Media, and the “American Media”?

Then again, it’s possible that you just hit the man who a quick google or whatever search shows as the leader of the high chamber of Congress, whoever and whatever his specific domestic politics are pretty moot, and you were attacking… in a broad sense… the “American Media”.

That story has fallen into the ether.


Message Board Scrawls

Wednesday, October 13th, 2004

Me: If you wanted to disrupt the elections, you assassinate Kerry… there’s already a succession for the president, there’s no succession for the challenger.

It’s not written in the Constitution or anywhere that in the challenger’s running mate becomes the successor…

I imagine that “they” (the arbitrary authority of the matter) would make Edwards as the stand – in nominee, but we’d have to find that out.

(Note: for the sake of the government — this is not an endorsement to kill or wound anyone, okay?)

Next guy: Hi Howie!
My take is that IF (not my suggestion at all!) Kerry is assasinated, Edwards would win as defacto proxie. What I mean is that after it all comes together in a few weeks, Edwards would be placed on the new ballot.
You are correct that there is no rule in regards to this.

I just think that would be the outcome. It would also likely taint Bush enough that he would lose. (After all, who would have Kerry killed…)

I do not think that OBL will be pulled out as an October suprise. I believe that he died about a year ago…
(Yes, that means all of the Messages from Ussama have been faked, one way or another.)

If he was pulled out at last minute I think it would act AGAINST Bush and Chenney right now. Too many people would think it an obvious trick by the Republicans.

Now, I could be wrong of course. I think I have reasonable possibilies listed, but I cannot claim any secret knowledge of what will happen.

I will stand by my first list with one major caveat . If pictures come out showing him with a bed full of dead boyscouts….
Before tonights debate…
AND Kerry is in bed with him…
Then all bets are off!

As per that:

As we keep hearing the Presidential Election of 2004 is being regarded as the most important election of our times.
Mainly because of the possibility of dire outcomes.
This is a tentative breakdown of possible outcomes based on current conditions. I have broken it down into discreet parts for the purpose of simplifying and clarifying the data.
These are numbered by my personal opinion of likelihood. From most likely to least.

1.Bush wins-Contested in court by democrats. This is likely to lead to a ruling again by the courts in Bush’s favor. While the initial responses are largely peaceful it will soon become apparent to those that supported Kerry that the vote has been stolen. Unrest and protesting results. Violence is forced by the police. Martial law is “temporarily” enforced. New legislation is rushed through that stripes the right to protest.

2.Kerry wins-Contested in court. The court rules for Kerry. Minor unrest ensues. Martial law is applied in specific cities or regions. Legislation is rushed through to “Keep this from happening again”.

3.Bush wins-Uncontested results. Unrest ensues to fight against the evil regime. Martial law ensues. New oppressive laws are legislated striping all rights from the citizens of the U.S. The set up for total fascism is applied within 2 years.

4.Kerry wins-Uncontested results. This will seem like a normal election with only normal grumblings from the republicans.

5.A terrorist strike pre-empts the elections. Martial law is declared. When we eventually have an election and Bush wins. Lowest voter turnout ever due to fear of assassination on way to polls.

6.A terrorist strike happens. Blamed, with some evidence on the Bush family Cabal, unrest erupts in the streets with factions from both sides fighting for control of the country. Martial law is declared. All rights stripped by winning side.

7.Bush wins. Contested by democrats. Due to laziness and lack of will, nothing really happens. We lose our rights slowly by attrition. We end with a police state.

8.Kerry assassinated on day of election. Chaos ensues. Martial law is enforced. Unrest lasted for nearly 2 weeks in some areas. Edwards is elected President.

This is only a partial list. All other outcomes are so unlikely that they are approaching impossibility.


Another possibility is “none of the above.” How will this really impact daily life? Bush or Kerry wins, we will still laugh at them. At least I will. Perhaps I’m being mean spirited. I pray that we don’t have a despot on our hands.


I actualy considered several other opptions to add to the list above. None of the above was in there! It pretty much tied with a massive alien landing or Ralph Nadar winning the election. This list is just what I view as likely at this time. Things may change before the election, though in truth, I feel we will still see some version of the above.
Can’t we all just get along?
Notice that many of the outcomes list “martial law” as a side effect. How would that effect daily life? I don’t really know! Maybe not very much for most people. (Of course those like me that keep saying anti-government things…)


Heh. Here’s another:

Bush pulls OBL out of his hat the week before the election. Dems cry foul. It’s a big hit with the voters and Bush wins in a landslide. Then it comes out that they’ve been sitting on him for some time. Impeachment ensues. Bush is replaced by Cheney. 😛

Or, this is in the offing.

Things that make you go “Hm”

Friday, October 8th, 2004

Where do people vote?


What was the news item about terrorism yesterday?

Vague premonitions of vague threats to vague American schools.

What was the news item about terrorism today?

Iraqi insurgents looking at websites with floorplans of specific American schools.

Where are these schools?

Georgia, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon and California.

New Jersey is supposedly the heart of “Security Mom” land…

Not that I’m suggesting anything.

Just curious, can someone point me to a website showing the architectural floor-plans of a K-12 school anywhere? Just curious.

1980: Reagan and the Jewish Vote

Thursday, September 16th, 2004

My father, a Warsaw ghetto survivor, will vote for Ronald Reagan on Nov. 4 — casting his ballot for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in his 32 years as an American. He says he is voting against Carter.

The president’s failure, in the eyes of the Jewish-American community, overshadow his one real triumph in foreign policy, bringing Israel and Egypt to the bargaining table at Camp David. His waffling on the UN vote against Israel in March and Billy Carter’s relationship with anti-Zionist Libya have bred suspicion and resentment, solidifying the disllusionment with the Democratic Party that began with George McGovern’s candidacy in 1972.

But whatever objections Jewish voters have to Carter, they should carefully ponder the implications of the alternative: electing a man whose major supporters wish to “re-Christianize” America. Fundamentalist right-wing Christianity, both in the US and abroad, historically has incorporated or tolerated anti-Semitism. Fueled by a fear of social change and a sense of moral self-righteousness, its followers viewed Jews as outsiders, or worse.

Today’s fundamentalist New Right clings to a simplistic, paranoid perception that “radicals, perverts, liberals, leftists, and Communists” are responsible for the nation’s woes.

“We’ve got to bring some holy fear to the American system before it destroys us,” declared one preacher at an evangelical rally featuring Reagan as a keynote speaker.

Not long ago, the ideological forerunners of the New Right blamed America’s problems not on secular liberalism, but on a conspiracy of Jews. During the 1920s and 30s, men like Henry Ford and Father Charles Coughlin carried on the tradition of what historian Richard Hofstadter scalled “the paranoid style of American politics.” They explained away economic and political difficulties with tirades against the “International Jew”.

Anti-foreign, protectionist tendencies reached a peak in the 1920s, when the wholesale immigration of Italians and Jews coincided with a conservative backlash. One historian described the era as “probably unmatched in American history for xenophobia and paranoid suspicion.”

The national mood was set by the 1919 Red Scare (which warned of a conspiracy by German – Jewish bankers and Russian – Jewish Bolsevicks) and US Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer’s raids on thousands of aliens and suspected Communists, anarchists, and radicals. During the postwar depression beginning in 1920, Ku Klux Klan membership grew from 5,000 to 5 million, and Ford began to repring in his widely read Michigan newspaper excerpts from “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

The 1930s saw a new wave of Christian conservative reaction, this time with avowedly fascist leanings. The Silver Shirts was a group that advocated the creation of an American fascist dictatorship, to be called the Christian Commonwealth. Father Coughlin, a popular radio personality, harangued about the Jewish role in the origins of coumminism and urged the creation of a “state-capitalist” system. Coughlin’s organization put its own presidential candidate on the ballot in 1936, and got 2 percent of the vote.

World War II redirected America’s concerns to a more threatening enemy than “internaional Jewry,” and so right-wing paranoia was held in check until the mid-1950s, when McCarthyism ushered in the New Right.

The relatively moderate public voice of the New Right still seeks scapegoats on whom to blame for the society’s ills. Phyllis Schlafly, the prominent anti-Equal Rights Amendment activist and long-time Reagan supporter, wrote in a 1964 pro-Goldwater tract that a “small group of secret kingmakers” within the Republican Party are “perpetuating the Red Empire in order to perpetuate the high level of federal spending and control” and are nominating only those presidential candidates who “will sidestep or suppress the key issues.”

Schlafly has addressed such overtly anti-Semitic groups as the Liberty Lobby and the Rev. Billy James Hargis’ Christian Crusade. She has also named Henry Kissinger as a member of a conspiracy to weaken America from within. (Other plotters, according to her, have been Robert McNamara, Walter Lipmann, Clark Clifford, Averell Hariman, Dean Rusk and J. William Fulbright.)

Schlafly represents a new generation of Christian right-wing ideologues who are far too adroit to make anti-Semitic statements. After all, anti-Semitism went out of style after the Holocaust, due as much to the submergence of European – Jewish idenity into mainstream culture as to Christian guilt pangs. There are occasional slips by public officials, such as the 1974 warning against the “Jewish influence” in media and government by the late Gen. George S. Brown, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But most Americans treat then with embarrassment and disdain.

American Jews must not view this fashion of intolerance with a blind eye to the past. The fundamentalist New Right, like the old, does not share the pluralistic, secular, democratic ideals that make America safe for Jews and other religions, racial and political minorities. Even if Jews are not now castigated by name, the political strategy of someone like the Rev. Jerry Falwell (“Get them saved, baptized and registered”), clearly excludes them.

The reactionary right has been looking for an “acceptable”Republican ever since Barry Goldwater’s 1964 defeat gave the party back to the relatively liberal Eastern wing. A President Reagan would not mean an American pogrom, but as Paul Weyrich of the right-wing Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress said, “We are no longer working to preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure in this country.”

Jewish voters did not support such rightwing presidential contenders as Goldwater or George Wallace, who ran as a third-party candidate in 1968. But as the case of my father shows, a conservative mood has shaken loose the liberal hold of the Jewish vote.

In this close race, that vote is being wooed as never before by beoth major parties (and by independent candidate John Anderson). Carter may be unacceptable to many. But can a Jew vote for Ronald Reagan?

Herb Fox, October 1980.

What’s 3+19?

Wednesday, September 8th, 2004

At the Million Man March on October 17, 1995; Louis Farrakhan saideth this:

Abraham Lincoln, when he saw this great divide, he pondered a solution of separation. Abraham Lincoln said he never was in favor of our being jurors or having equal status with the Whites of this nation. Abraham Lincoln said that if there were to be a superior or inferior, he would rather the superior position be assigned to the White race. There, in the middle of this mall is the Washington Monument, 555 feet high. But if we put a one in front of that 555 feet, we get 1555, the year that our first fathers landed on the shores of Jamestown, Virginia as slaves.

In the background is the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorial, each one of these monuments is 19 feet high.

Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, and 16 and three make 19 again. What is so deep about this number 19? Why are we standing on the Capitol steps today? That number 19 — when you have a nine you have a womb that is pregnant. And when you have a one standing by the nine, it means that there’s something secret that has to be unfolded.

And he said thiseth:

The first four letters of the word form the foundation; “a-t-o-n”. . . “a-ton”, “a-ton”. Since this obelisk in front of us is representative of Egypt. In the 18th dynasty, a Pharaoh named Akhenaton, was the first man of this history period to destroy the pantheon of many gods and bring the people to the worship of one god. And that one god was symboled by a sun disk with 19 rays coming out of that sun with hands holding the Egyptian Ankh – the cross of life. A-ton. The name for the one god in ancient Egypt. A- ton, the one god. 19 rays. Look at your scripture.

A woman, remember the nine, means somebody pregnant, with an idea. But, in this case, its a woman pregnant with a male child destined to rule the nations with a rod of iron. God is standing over her womb, and this child will be like the day sun, and he will say “I am the light of the world.” Hands coming out of that sun, come unto me all ye that are heavy laden. I’m gonna give you rest, but I’m gonna give you life, because I am the resurrection and the life and if you believe in me, though you are dead, yet shall you live again.

You’re dead, Black man. But if you believe in the god who created this sun of truth and of light with 19 rays, meaning he’s pregnant with God’s spirit, God’s life, God’s wisdom. Abraham Lincoln’s statue, 19 feet high, 19 feet wide. Jefferson, 19 feet high, 16 (OFF-MIKE) and the third president, 19. Standing on the steps of the Capitol, in the light of the sun. Offering life to a people who are dead.

Hope that clears some things up.

The Grand Mechanized Outdoor Snark

Tuesday, September 7th, 2004

The thought jumps out at me as Rasmussen points out the flaw to the Newsweek and Time polls, and the other polls generally show something like this:

Bush’s two-point convention bounce is one of the smallest registered in Gallup polling history…Bush’s bounce is the smallest an incumbent president has received.

The Bastard’s gonna beat the Asshole. Kerry’s campaign might appear a little clunky, but somehow or other…

John Kerry’s campaigns are always clunky. That’s the other side to the storyline that Kerry is a “Great Closer” (his key political victories: his second go around at a House seat, his first Senate race, the 1996 Senate race, and the Democratic Primary Race) — what does he have to close for?…

… which leads me to suspect the inner-workings of “Skull and Bones”… and when I invoke “Skull and Bones”, I don’t mean “Skull and Bones” per se, but the more vast all encompassing conspiracy– The Grand Mechanized Outdoor Snark.

Jump back to the Democratic Primary season. Dean becomes the presumptive nominee, to the chagrin of the party hierarchy. The “people in the know”, the insiders are bracing themselves for Dean. Kerry is left for Dead.

At the height of the Dean campaign, the voices that said that Kerry will be the Democratic nominee? The conspirarcy theorists! Michael Ruppert and Alex Jones and Lyndon LaRouche. If you go by predictive behaviour, that means that Ruppert and Jones and LaRouche have more credibility than the pundit class.

Powerful interests saving John Kerry from himself over and over again, dragging him toward the victory line?

In the case of the Democratic Primary, Edward Kennedy swooped in and gave Kerry his campaign staff. In the case of the General Election, the Clintonistas are jumping aboard, steering the ship.

I picture James Carville, watching the Swift Boats attacks, screaming — chomping at the bit, knowing exactly how he would deal with the Swiftees.

There’s another, less spectacular way of looking at the bizarre trajectory nature of the Kerry races. In the case of the primary race … there’s something the Dean partisans did not know: the largest sector of voters, even primary voters, even caucus goers, are not really paying attention until right near the end.

… which was when Kerry’s campaign ads outshone the lackluster Dean tv ads. The Kennedy people came in at the right time. That the Vietnam Veteran (symbolism for some mightier things) as central piece in campaign wears in the general election doesn’t matter. (And, I begin to suspect that the Swift Boat Vets attack was timed not only for the natural money-flow problem of Kerry, but at a time Kerry would move away a bit from Vietnam, reinforce the idea that he’s running on his service, y’see.)

In the general race: the “Undecideds” are not paying attention until… NOW! Meaning? The Clinton people are coming in at the opportune time.

What do I make of the now exposed as patently absurd Time and Newsweek polls, then? A need to create the storyline. Truman would not have won had he not been so far behind, if that makes any sense. With the 1996 race against William Weld, my reading of old usenet files from 1996 suggests that the storyline that he had his back against the wall is a bit of a mirage. But… it’s best to create an impression of a nadir, the “Left for Dead” that the Kerry campaign punches back from. I’ll need to see if Newsweek and Time are owned by Bonespeople.

Now I’m tripping out.

Delayed Response

Sunday, August 22nd, 2004

From the post regarding the literature on Skull and Bones, we get a Kevin Messerschmidt rushing in to defend the precious Skulls and the precious Bones.

Wow, talk about tinfoil hat. Pretty stupid “video”. I wonder how they compare to the tap night photos.
Hey, is that the Satanic master of ceremonies out in public with his costume? Oooh, the evil of it all.

I can only assume that the photograph that he has brought up is of Skull and Bones, and not of any of the other Yale Societies, such as Butts and Boners.

At any rate, here’s George Bush playing around with John Kerry. Look for this technique for prisoners after the US invades India…

QUICK UPDATE: This is not “Skull and Bones”. This is (and I’m not making this up) “Spade and Grave“. Well, the porn is nice, at least.

(This post has its unofficial message board thread over here.)