GOP Front-runner News: Romney’s smartphone and Tea Party members trumpet Rick Perry’s Bilderberg Participation
An interesting comment made by Mitt Romney recently that shows that Mitt Romney is not about to be turned into John McCain, who during the 2008 campaign claimed to not use email. These days, everyone is staffed with twitterers, which is unfortunate — I do not know what a John McCain twit promising “Snooki” that he would hold the line on tanning salon taxes adds to our political discourse.
The Techno-Future vision of political figures tends to dry out in a hurry on any inspection. Obama has integrated the office of the White House’s functions online more fully than any previous president as, frankly, any president residing at this juncture would have to do. What he gives us is a salamander graph that charts well on yahoo trending charts, and a campaign apparatus that continually spams anyone who made small donations in 2008 well past the point where the small donor has become disillusioned with his presidency.
“President Obama’s strategy is a pay-phone strategy and we’re in a smartphone world,” Romney said. “What he’s doing is taking quarters and stuffing them into the pay phone … [and he] can’t figure out why it’s not working. It’s not connected anymore, Mr. President!”
Y’know, if Mitt Romney really believed the rhetoric — first he’d rid the nation of all its remaining pay phones — still used somewhat — then he’d do something radical.
You know that 59 point jobs plan he unveiled? It should be available nowhere else except downloaded via the smartphone scanning image.
And you see that “Believe in America” podium and Job slogan in the background? Ditto it.
In other Front-runner news… a “Tea Party Nation” supporter urges a vote for Rick Perry because…
Well, the Bilderbergs have invited him into the club.
“I find Perry’s Bilderberg attendance to be a net positive, because: “His views and thoughts are held in high regard by these most powerful people. You would prefer one who’s views are held in low regard?
“He is entrusted with important secrets, whatever they may be! You prefer one who cannot be entrusted with secrets, or invades the privacy of others?
“He holds influence that can affect the world at large, inside and outside of this country! Or, do you prefer the Great American Apologist’s approach?â€
The name is Vern Shotwell. I suppose we can say that the Tea Party means different things for different people. This may as well just strip out the facade of it all.
They welcomed John Edwards in 2004. Cover all their bases — Edwards is never going to return there. Beyond which, being the governor of a large Oilarchy is probably enough to warrant being tapped on how “things really work”.