The Greatness of Grover Cleveland

If I’m tempted to give Ariel Sharon a shrug at this time and say, “Only Nixon can go to China”, I snap myself out of it. Substitute the name “Joe McCarthy” for “Nixon” and you get the point. Or, if you will, how does “Only Hitler Can Save the Jews” sound?

Imagine the differences between the reactions an Al Gore would get to those a George W Bush would get if either one seriously embarked on the quest for alternative sources of energy… Al Gore, the proported environmentalist, George W Bush less so.

But if a politico is seriously embarking on a quest toward contrarianism, they will do so. Organized Labor would’ve been better served under a second Georg H W Bush administration than under Clinton. Clinton embarking on “Third Way” DLC politics in regard to NAFTA. Bush would’ve faced actual Democratic Party opposition to the treaty, you see, while Clinton — well, it was at the time the thing that was supposed to save his early faltering presidency, and the Democrats couldn’t afford to watch his early faltering presidency die on them. This is the way the New World Order operates.

Not to damper the Clinton image too much. Whenever you knock Clinton, stop for a second and consider why black Americans poll him as amongst America’s Greatest Presidents… a fact Republicans cringe at, wobble about to come up his supposed “racial divisiveness” and “use of the race card” to forward his agenda.

Personally, I’ll careen more toward the greatness of President Grover Cleveland. But only to make a point. Come on, I dare you to knock Grover Cleveland from this high perch I’ve created for him!

What is my point? I’ll give you the raw ingrediants for the thought train. James Carville says that the problem with the Democratic Party is that they lack a narrative. Bush’s “narrative” is that of “Redemption”, meaning no matter what crises he finds himself in he can be redeemed. AND… I have no idea what “values” means… if, for example, I value “prudence” and vote on the issue of “prudence”, I am not saying to the pollster that I voted on “values.”

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