
Ai Weiwei interviews a Opinion Manipulator


Facebook, your future Bank.

DOJ wants to make ISPs keep Internet use Data

Gary Hart:  The bad news is that there will be a lot more actions like this, and they will not always be so successful.

Navy SEALs go after fake SEALs

David Foster Wallace endnote generator

Sarah Palin: the reasonable political figure she once was.
My verdict: She is Spiro Agnew, 40 years later.

Obama welcomes Common to the White House.  UNBELIEVABLE!

Glenn Beck versus My Chemical Romance

Peruvian President Alan Garcia on Monday hailed the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden as the first miracle of the late pope John Paul II.

Ted Rall — not quite. I believe under Bush liberals would make Bradley Manning a larger cause, be more or less silent and somewhat conspiratorial about Osama.

Porc Fest 2011.



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