Surviving Roosevelt

From American Mercury, 1936

On the side of Roosevelt stands the massive fact that is hard to overestimate the imbecility of the great masses of the plain people; but in favour of Landon is the law of diminishing returns, which runs in politics quite as clearly as in love or war. (JL Mencken)


So it is to be four more long years. Well, if there is any country in the world able to withstand eight years of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it is America. We are gluttons for punishment. Dr. Roosevelt’s return to office is an extradordinary tribute to the Republic’s powers or resistance.

So the greatest show on earth continues. The nine executioners on Capitol Hill tremble in their august robes, the skeleton of the NRA begins to put on flesh, the new hordes of hungry jobholders sharpen up their store teeth as they approach the public trough. The saturnalia of corruption which has drenched Washington since 1932 can continue unabeted. The process of chaning American workingmen into unemployable paupers on the dole will reach a new high before the next election. The National Labor Relations Board will soon swing into action in earnest, paving the way for the dictatorship of labor agitators. The SEC, no l.onger restrained by fear of embarrassing the Fuehrer, can really crack down on the wolves of Wall Street. Doctor Tugwll, the Sweetheart of the Regimenters, can now make America Over in earnest; by next Election Day he will probably have resettled half a million George Dems in recalcitrant Maine and Vermont. The sublime Ickes, little Lord Fauntleroy of the Uplifters, will shortly have all the poor American Indians converted to Communism. Harry Hopkins, Prince of Spendthrifts, will erect a line of WPA workers leaning on their shovels all the way from North Dakot to Alabam for a windbreak in the erosion belt.

(Continue on later for more of the same…)

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