Comment Moved Upward: William H Carr on Zell Miller
This comes from a comment placed here, found here. There seem to be posts that go a bit better for this material (Zell Miller is available elsewhere, various conspiratorial bits on various matters [both tongue in cheeck and not] are available elsewhere as well), but I suspect it’s the “Skull / Bones” title he came upon…
Zell Miller’s appearance at the Thursday night Republican National Convention, 2004, was part of an overall presentation designed to send a message…not to the nation, but to a select group of Bush/Cheney insiders. We are in control!
The night focused on Cheney, ex-Halliburton, CEO…and therefore key player in America’s Military Industrialist Complex, which, as you surely recall was behind Iran-Contra and the CIA’s drugs for weapons to fight unauthorized private wars in Central America. Before that, it was Halliburton’s Kellogg Brown and Root that built the Navy base and Army Depot in Corpus Christi with the help, not of Republican leadership, but Democrat LBJ, to supply the Vietnam War. It was in Corpus Christi that LBJ’s Bell Hellicopters were repaired. The old Hueys are now sold to Colombia to help them in the supposed drug eradication program. The Iran-Contra debacle and the testimony of Richard Taus, Cele Castillo, Gary Webb and Catherine Austin Fitts, has shown us hour the Complex…now deeply tied to organized crime in Texas AND Georgia….wants to have it both ways.
Also appearing that night with Cheney and Miller was Corpus Christi, Bishop Rene Gracida, a former Navy flier. Jack Kemp former Secretary of HUD was there, front and center, though not part of the program. Kemp’s Undersecretary at HUD, Catherine Austin Fitts, was locked in a qui tam lawsuit which indicated that during Iran-Contra there was a federally back program of narco-dollar laundering through HUD mortgages. Who were the judges in her case sitting on the evidence from 1996 to 2000…just prior to the last election? Two men…one who worked for Clinton’s chief legal counsel and the other to the William Casey’s CIA office during Iran-Contra.
Zell Miller may have asked that Confederate flag be pulled off the Georgia state capital, but the CIA wasn’t selling drugs in America’s inner city to fund the contras either…was it? In a word: YES!
Oliver North’s army was being trained at a 700,000 acre base on land owned by Houston developer Walter Mischer and Coca-Cola Inc. in Belize. The CEO of Coke is an elder at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta and Zell Miller has a hall named after him at the Georgia Miliatary Institute in the old Georgia Antebellium ccapital. See Brewton’s THE MAFIA, CIA and GEORGE BUSH for the connection that both Taus and Fitts made to both Iran Contra and the S&L scandal. It was through the S&L scandal that the money floated freely.
William H. Carr