National Review versus New Republic versus Weekly Standard versus American Spectator versus Reason

National Review 12-31-2010:
Thomas Acquinas College “Summer Great Books Program for High School Students”
Great Courses: Ancient Warfare lecture Series
Bose Radio
Young America’s Foundation Reagan Ranch High School Conference  “Celebrate Reagan’s 100th Birthday”
Stauer Diamonds
Jitterbug Cell Phone
H Uppman Cigars (connected with National Review Cruise)
American Silver and Gold
Union University

New Republic 12-30-2010
Association of Private Sector College and Universities
Harvard University Press
Mortgage Bankers Association (lobbying for mortage interest deduction)
CTIA Wireless Conpanies Association
NOVA David Progue “Making Stuff” 4 Part PBS Series

Weekly Standard 1-3-11
Creat Courses Lecture Series: Lifelong Health
Obama Stress Head (1/2 page)
Nationwide Coin and Bunyon Reserve
US Chamber of Commerce (1/2 page, “Open Letter”)
HQ Global Education “One of China’s Fastest Growing Vocational Vocational Training Schools”
(1/2 page)
HQ Global Education “One of China’s Fastest Growing Vocational Vocational Training Schools”
(1/2 page, same ad again)
Weekly Standard Cruise pull-out back-cover

American Spectator Dec/Jan 2010 / 2011
Valentine One Radar Detector
Benedict XVI subject book “Light of the World” Ignatius Books
Stauer Diamonds
1/2 page Saving Leonardo book “On destructive impact of Secularism”
Jitterbug Cell Phone
FLAME “Facts and Logic About Middle East”
Stauer Diamonds
Neutronic Ear hearing aid
Sarkes Tarzian television (logo only)
Stauer Diamonds

Reason February 2011
Great Courses:  Churchill
Oxford Reference Book Series
CATO (drug legalization related books)
FreedomFest 2011
Siteworks fireplaces (1/3 page)
2 page: Reason Cruise
National Interest Magazine
Fantagraphics Peter Bagge cartoon collection
Atari Terminator 3: The Redemption video game dvd Drew Carey “Saves Cleveland”
Institute for Justice 1st Amendment litigation “I Am IJ”

There is a bit of a lull for the number of ads in National Review and New Republic, end of year I suspect.  Curiously, despite its usual trend — with corporate groups feeling the need to cover both of these bases, there is no overlap between the two magazines.   National Review is notable in having two different places for high school students to go this summer to get their movement conservative tips — one celebrating Reagan’s 100th birthday. 
The Weekly Standard’s “US Chamber of Commerce” ad was predictable, but what am I to make of One of China’s Fastest Growing Vocational Vocational Training Schools” — and twice?
FLAME usually makes the rounds in New Republic and National Review, but for whatever reason it only tapped the American Spectator.  I do not know what prompted Sarkes Tarzian to pay for a full page logo. 
The American Spectator and Reason share an “AlphaPub” ad, which discourses on the need for God to be firmly placed in any Libertarian or Conservative governance, all while not saying the word “God” or “Jesus”.  I imagine Reason readers less likely than National Review or American Spectator readers to have no use for a physical collection of reference books — in the same way that it is the only magazine here that could run an ad for a Terminator 3 video game. 
Make of it what you will how the Great Courses lecture series divvies up its subjects — at random, perhaps?

One Response to “National Review versus New Republic versus Weekly Standard versus American Spectator versus Reason”

  1. Arlie Happe Says:

    Elect small government values in the GOP!

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