Alaska is on fire.
I’m skipping down the NY Times website. I see that Alaska related items are in the political news. Ted Stevens is in a plane-crash — and we now go into a bit of eulogy remembering the life and times of Ted Stevens. Levi Johnston is running for Mayor of Wasilla as a Reality Television stunt — just another puppet doing the bidding of Big Business.
AND… Palin Dismisses Reports of Eye Rolling.
I am tempted to suggest that this is coverage of minutiae. But then I realize that to cover Sarah Palin is to cover minutiae — and I guess the point of the whole banner protest that lead to the “Eye Rolling”.
I could dwell into the policy and political stances taken by Sarah Palin. I guess that takes us to the whole “Mosque in Shadow of the WTC” issue — or non-issue. Perhaps William Kristol sums that side up more coherently.
Shut Up, He Explained. Mayor Michael Bloomberg to New Yorkers.
William Kristol suffers from the political narcissism disorder whereby he places himself in for New Yorkers. It is not New Yorkers to whom Michael Bloomberg said “Shut Up” — it’s just William Kristol.
It’s not a luxury that Kristol would afford cross aisle. Say Bush or Cheney said something disagreeable — or Palin… Or Jan Brewer… or whoever. Cheney to Americans — Shut Up. Not a headline that ever appeared in the Weekly Standard.
This story gets more ridiculous from there.
There is nothing but “Theater Review” in assuaging Palin.  Obama, you jump around on that score. Over the weekend, we were treated to something about Michelle Obama and Marie Antoinette and a lavish vacation in France? Do I care? No. In relation to the current Obama tiffing match against “Professional Liberals” — well, there was a reason he went to the Rachel Maddow clip when throwing out a clip to the “Netroots Nation”. I’m not as low on Obama as a lot of “supporters” / voters, largely because I was never as high on him as them. So Gibbs might have more credibility in his argument if we hadn’t just come out of a situation with Shirley Sherrod.
But if we’re going to fact check Sarah Palin — follow the moment in slow motion. Then try to answer me why she appears in political discourse every so often.