Kerry was a mediocre student
One of the dumber storylines of the 2004 campaign, election campaigns being a nattering of silliness largely best left ignored (though never ignored — lest by me) instead toward the pursuit of the question of who bought the individual candidates (California offers a glimpse on how this matter will be resolved in the near future) — the demand to see Kerry’s records — has now been belatedly resolved.
The same major players that were documented to have engaged in a flip-flop in the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” were discovered to have … yes indeed, given Kerry high praise.
And Kerry was a mediocre student.
What does the latter one mean? Perhaps when you’re scheming world domination within the confines of Skull and Bones, the matter of academic achievement means nothing — you’re set, right?. The matter of the “Swift Boat” crapola remains what it is.