Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design!

Intelligent DESIGN!

“In the world of two eyed men, the three-eyed man is king.”

And so it goes.

There was a caller into a KBOO host discussing Bush’s “fair and balanced” act with “teaching both Evolution and Intelligent Design”. He said that the host oughta debate Kent Hovind, of fame. (As per, Dr. Dino, as per 7,000 year old Earth with dinosaurs living beside humans. That type of thing.) He who issues a $250,000 challenge that if someone can offer acceptable proof for evolution. A fool’s gambit, and stupid publicity stunt.

But I’m puzzled…

How is this Intelligent Design? Or rather, the sort of primming to be acceptable Intellignet Design that would, theoretically (and probably is currently sliding right into as per Texas Educational standards) be placed side by side with Evolution (that be the “Macro”) in the Biology textbooks?

There are no 7,000 year old Earths in this construct. Why did the telephone caller promoting “Intelligent Design” walk over to Kent Hovind, when Michael Behe angles for an Earth of millions of years?

I keep seeing this confusion. It’s a schism that I can’t wrap my head around.

As we travel this Fifth Great Awakening, are we going to arrive at a day where Evolution is stripped from Science textbooks, and we’ll get demands to have “Creationism” (of the 7k year old Earth variety) taught alongside “Intelligent Design”?

Nay. By then public schools will be thrown ashunder in favor of homeschooling, because of the socialistic practice that public schools represent.
Which brings us to this ponderance: in the old days, William Jennings Bryan and the attackers of Evolution in favour of Creationism decried the hyper capitalistic laissez-fare undertones of Evolution — social darwinism, you see. Today, it’s not that Evolution is leading to heartless capitalism — it’s leading us to, and is part of, the Great Socialist Revolution.

How weird.

One Response to “Intelligent Design”

  1. anonymous Says:

    The concept of evolution of God’s creations in damnation seems to disappearing.

    Humans began to dream and ceased to be God’s creations in damnation.

    We are indeed creations of God, but he still won’t explain why he damned us.

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