Another Ignorant Cow

Wow. Looks like Phil Hendrie has created for himself a blog, crafted to the scion at the url “”. Quite provocative, he.

(Oddly enough, I agree with the sentiments of an earlier post about the emotionally charged phrase “Sending your kids”… maybe I’ll extrapulate the problem later on.)

The talk of the moment is the blog entry on Cindy Sheehan entitled “Anti-War Mom: Another Ignorant Cow”.

There’s this bit Phil Hendrie did once which was pretty funny, circa February 2003. He repeats the sliced clip all the time. The guest goes on about how Bush has “daddy issues” and that’s why he’s going into Iraq — the joke is that this war opponent is projecting his own “daddy issues” onto George W Bush (and the further joke is that — ha ha — look at the shallow reasoning.) The caller chimes in, and this is where I stammer:

“I’m a Democrat, and I didn’t vote for Bush, but you’re destroying our collective desire for Bush to take care of him. Saddam attacked us!”

That being more depressing than the cariacture of the war opponent. (Who, incidentally, at this point in time I’m going to go ahead and say that he was right.) More so than the “Saddam attacked us” (though I believe she used the word “he”) is the “collective desire”.

Isn’t Collectivism Communist?

What do you do with Phil Hendrie? Chunk him away, I suppose. Or the hours he spends discussing politics instead of, quote-in-quote “exploring the human condition”.

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