rock and roll part 2
Once upon a time, somewhere after posting the words of Kent Hovind over yonder, with fundamentalist Christians not understanding that Kent Hovind was not in our midst and I was posting his words, the subject that someone oughta “debate” the man kept coming up.
I debated him. I can’t find it, but it went something like this:
Kent Hovind: In 1776, a man by the name of Adam Weishaupt started a group called the Illuminati, the enlightened ones. Their symbol is on the back of our dollar bill. They say, Once we get the New World Order in place, and institute the all-seeing-eye on top which represents Lucifer, the light bearer will be in charge. Yes, the all-seeing-eye on your dollar bill represents Lucifer. They know that, and they fully intend for Lucifer to rule this world.
Me: No comment.
Kent Hovind: I believe that the builders of the Great Pyramids were either Noah and Shem who built it after the flood. Or maybe it was Adam and Enoch who built it before the flood, and it was the only structure to survive the flood. The Great Pyramid is positioned perfectly, north, south, east, and west. We have no idea how they built it. We could not build it today. The symbolism for Christianity is all through the building. The sides of it have 144,000, smooth, polished limestone blocks. Ah, 144,000, that number is in the Bible.
Me: No comment.
Kent Hovind: Stanley Deyo, a Christian, is a genius who wrote the book [“The Cosmic Conspiracy”]. Way over my head. Deyo says that there are two kinds of UFOs. First, there are US government owned and operated UFOs. That really got my attention. The US government has UFOs? He said that the second kind is the satanically – owned and operated UFOs. He says that Satan has always used that mode of transportation to get around because the devil can only be at one place at one time, whereas God is all places at all times. That may be far fetched, so please do not accuse me of saying this is true. I do not know if it is true, but it is an interesting theory.
Me: No comment.
Kent Hovind: The Great Pyramid is a neat subject to study. If you go up to the kings chamber you will notice an empty tomb with a red granite coffin. The coffin has the exact dimensions of the ark of the covenant. The angle of the shaft leading down or the angle leading up is twenty-six degrees, nine minutes and seven seconds. It is noteworthy, that this is the exact angle from the pyramid to Bethlehem, right to the second. The Great Pyramid is positioned on the latitude line and the longitude line, which happens to be the longest ones in the world above sea level. This is all part of the New World Order, which was a conspiracy started by Satan back in the garden of Eden. He wanted to rule the world. He will cause everyone to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead. The mark is going to be six-hundred three-score and six, 666. In 1972, IBM Corporation developed the bar code where the computer can actually translate lines and spaces into zeros and ones, a binary language, and read it. If you look at the first two lines on the bar code, they are longer than the rest and are unmarked. The system does not tell you what these numbers are. It just so happens that two skinny lines with a space in between them is the computer binary code for the number six. Why would they put a six at the beginning, middle and end? Why didnt they choose a two or a four? Its on every product. Check it out and see for yourself. The Bible says if you receive that mark and worship the beast, you are going to be in trouble. Read Revelation chapter 14 and you will see how they will be tormented and punished. In 1990, they begin putting little magnetic strips inside our paper bills. If you examine a five, a ten, or a twenty dollar bill while holding it up to the light, you will see the strip about one-inch in on the left side. This is to prevent counterfeiting, but there are other things that they can do with it. They can detect, roughly, how much money is in your pocket when you walk past sensors, based on that strip.
Me: No comment.
Or something to that effect.
Later on, I would see Kent Hovind on cable access television. Speaking in Russian, before a Russian crowd. Russian Creationists, I guess.