What to do after Humanity for Peace Bombed

I. The court cases and indictments continue for Trump. And per the perennial of the last few years, we see a new slew of “Debs and Larouche” historical mentions as for prisoners running for president. Rare is the Keith Judd, and even rarer is the Leonard Peltier shout-out. It is doubtful we will get to Trump, but there is mention of number five.

Trump wouldn’t even be the only candidate with a conviction to run this year: Joe Maldonado-Passage, a reality TV personality known as “Joe Exotic” who was convicted of attempted murder and animal abuse, declared his 2024 candidacy in March.

This does raise a question of what counts — the Libertarian Party process is in – house — and despite my misgivings in Libertarian Party politics and it’s current basis of being — I feel confident he will not get anywhere and will not appear on your ballot unlike the others. Judd was a primary candidate, the other three were indeed general election candidates — meaning that Peltier ought get more coverage than Judd in this “candidates ran for president from prison” metric. And if you do count “Joe Exotic”, I demand an audit — a deep perusal of that long long long list of presidential candidate filings which don’t amount to anything — because surely this will increase the list.

Until further notice, and he shows up on a state election ballot, I will not count Joe Exotic. My list stops at four.

II. Everybody — Get In Line!

A long listing of three or so organizations who have concocted multiple names. And they met for a rally — either opposed to American and NATO support of Ukraine’s defence of territory against Russian aggression or in support of Putin’s aggressive takeover of Ukrainian territory — depending on the speaker.

Time for everyone here to interview everyone else to amp up view counts to the three digits.

Reddit takes note.

This is another pro-Putin, LaRoucheite red-brown rally like the “Rage Against the War Machine” event.

Almost fell for it until I saw “Rage against the war machine” in the bottom of the image. Can’t wait to see pictures of the Russian imperial flag flying in the rally.

Curious as Jimmy Dore gets Jose Vega on his show discussing them yelling in front of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s door. He does not follow up on the events of the “Rage Against the War Machine” part two. He was speaking at part one, but not two. The relationship is asymetrical. Along with this one place you might expect to give airtime, there is not much coverage. Excepting…

America Emboldened with Greg Boulden – Humanity for Peace is building a unified coalition, above ideologies, to stop this unfolding escalation towards nuclear war. They refuse to let humanity perish at the hands of insanity.

And the Gadfly podcast. An interesting enough listen, though receded in my memory and I do not feel like pulling back into it. I tend to think they have the “Lenny Bruce wannabe” short shift again, he who — whatever else you can say was the one speaker of the long list of droners who cut through. The only other thing I can recall is thinking at the end with the suggestion they will be there with their next event — at a certain point these things have a diminishing returns that they become essentially indistinguishable with such video fare as this.

III. On that score — good to see Drew clarify a removal from the LYM– Oakland or otherwise — contingent as it is with LPAC. I am confused by the messaging on this video, which does seem more in line with LPAC’s Trump politics. An aversion to refugees coming into Portland, Maine — turning the city into a liberal Hell. I guess he can continue his cross country tour, or whatever this is — for whatever this commentary is supposed to mean it for within the Larouche Organization’s policies.

IV. Meantime… LaRouche PAC is launching a campaign to stop—that’s right, to STOP the prosecutions of Donald J. Trump before our Republic is destroyed.

AND It is evident to all who have participated in, or merely observed the mass phenomenon of the movement inspired by President Trump, that there is a profound principle involved. There seems to be a spirit of love; a spirit that exists outside and above the conscious thoughts of any of its participants.

Now looking for support amongst Ken Paxton supporters.

V. Jimmy Dore did do Jose Vega’s show —

The guy on the left apparently tried to participate in an anti-war thing sans Larouche. Was reprimanded and/or axed for it — not sure, but dramatic happenings within the org.

VI. The Varn Blog has a couple episodes interesting in and of itself, but one with a brief mention of Larouche in a listing of famous Trotskyites, the next episode gets at him via George Galloway and via “Maga Communism”.

Some of them seem to be trying to do entryism on this mega communist entryism. But again, other than the then a Center for Political Innovation, there doesn’t even seem to be real organizations attached to these groups. Yeah, I mean, yes, there’s the Ruleru shite. There’s two different Lerushite groups. There’s the Schiller Institute, which I think actually technically in Europe and gets a lot of funding from China not when I say from China, I don’t mean from the Chinese government, I mean from Chinese investors and LaRouche Pac, which is more, it does stop the steal stuff in America. So, but the history of LaRouche is actually opaque. Even the people study it, because it’s not actually quite clear that it’s ever been as influence, like both its clerics and its supporters seem to believe it was more influential than I have evidence for it to be.

VII. Professional History

Dan Rea:

you had like Lyndon Larouche. By the way, now that you mentioned Lyndon Larouche. I want you to know, ken that a series of stories that i did on Lyndon Larouche’s beginning in nineteen eighty four resulted in him being convicted in the Southern District of Virginia court in nineteen eighty six, and he went to prison for ninety true story.
He was nuts. He was flat out nuts. He was a scam artist. He ran a Ponzi scheme, and it just so happened that we found out about it. And I’m very
proud as of the fact that I that my stories on Channel four resulted him
being him and his associates being indicted here in Boston with a superseding indictment.
Now that you mentioned Lyndon Larouche is not mentioned often on here. And I’ll tell you one funny story if I can I think I’ll enjoy this real,
quickly true story. Four or five years the Larouche people hated Henry Kissinger. They accused him of conspiring with Queen Elizabeth
But to bring drugs into America. They were vile. They would stand outside his apartment and when Kissinger and his wife and Nancy Kissinger would emerge from the apartment, they would yell vile things at Kissinger
about being a child and all of that. So fast forward five or six years after Larouche has been convicted. I’m set up to interview Kissinger in
Boston and he had written a book. This is probably in the early nineteen
nineties. So he was speaking to a group I think it was at the
convention center, and we’re in a room all set up waiting for him,
and he’s running late. He shows up about an hour late, and his
press person walks in the room and says to me, I’m very sorry,
but we’re late and doctor Kissinger will not have time for the interview that we had scheduled with you. Well, of course I was pretty upset. It
was a small room, so I raised my voice and I said, so
you’re telling me that doctor Kissinger does not want to be interviewed and meet the reporter in Boston whose stories resulted in Lyndon LaRouche being convicted and sent the President. Larouche rather kissing is in the corner.
He turns around very very slowly and he says, uh, we we we will, we will have time, We will have time to do this interview. Very nice, very first
story. Thanks thanks man, I appreciate it. That is an absolute true
story. Where are we gonna go next.

VII. Two episodes of ‘Schizotopia’ worth a listen — perhaps at increased speed — I am joined by ‘LaRoucheian Operative’ Liam Murphy to discuss his political journey and his work with the LaRouche political movement. Topics include: Christo-Stalinism, Anti Communist Communism, Cosmism, Prometheanism vs. The Bible, Geophysical Humanism, Based Uganda, The Executive Intelligence Review and the Nietzsche-Flat Earther-LaRouche pipeline.

Is what it says. Puzzle to fix generational perspective — “I think Larouche was inspired by the John Birch Society” — and A confusion in the two Presidents Bush.

A tad more coherent is a maybe more diluted Larouchism — Maga Communism discussed with Fox Green.

And at the 50 minute mark or thereabouts here, this podcasters discusses nearly joining the Larouche movement at age 16 or 17 — and, transcripted:

When I was about 16 or 17 years old, I almost became a Larouche Youth. I don’t know how familiar you are with Larouche. I would assume — I’m sure they have Larouche people in Canada, right? He’s basically — you would like this guy, actually. Because he’s almost like if J Ray decided to start an actual political party and was 100% committed to it. Because, he starts off as like a Communist, but then he develops this weird theory of like how all of Western history is Plato vs Aristotle and Plato’s a fascist who wants us to live in a frozen city and there are things that change and evolve um but then he gets this idea that Fabian Socialists are creating rock and roll to make us dumb degenerates so we can’t have Communism and it starts to become rightwing. So he’s like this weird American version of Nazbol. Like, they were really into the idea that if FDR had lived he would have created this super productive social democracy that would have built infrastructure for the entire world, almost like AS Pinksphile(?) or something like that and they wanted to build a super pipeline through Alaska — just all this very wacky edge of politics. But I remember this dude who was trying to — he was becoming my handler and he was indicting me into the Larouche Youth, giving me all this literature — I’m like, 16, 17 years old — it sounds pretty cool — I like all of these weird theories and stuff and I remember this guy told me he dropped out of college to serve the Larouche cause and he told me that all he had done before he had been a Larouche Youth was smile weed in his apartment and listen to Radiohead, that was it, and his life was completely meaningless, but now that he had Larouche in his life,everything made sense. And that freaked me out a little bit, even at my young age that tingled my Spidey senses a little. But after hanging out with him a little more I realized it was a cult and I needed to leave. But one thing I remember — I finally stopped answering his phone ballache left his voice mail on my phone — that was basically like almost a jilted lover. He was saying stuff like I really thought you were different, I thought you were smart, I thought you were special. I thought we would do all these great things. And here’s the thing — there’s no way that that guy stayed in that movement. He had to have burned out of it in a couple of years. Whatever. I’ll probably see him and he’ll be the successor to the guy who died recently but — or move to Alaska in a couple years. But whatever. It seems obvious that he joined this movement because he was just unhappy with his own life and it’s crazy to me especially with internet politics stuff and just a lot of people I have spoken to over the years, almost two years I’ve been doing this podcast, these people who clearly desperately talk their way into things — it’s scary to see that because you realize how much you do that in your own life.

All I can say is I’m very pro-cult, so it sounds like you missed out on a great opportunity.

VIII. Trump? famously more delusional than Col. Kurtz meets Lyndon LaRouche

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