Celine penned a curiously anti-semitic letter. Ya don’t say.

Hm.  Go back to 1993, and tell me that it’ll all end up with Letterman on CBS, Leno on NBC, Conan O’brien on Fox.  Incidentally, the “Late Night Wars” are won by reruns of old Seinfeld episodes and Girls Gone Wild ads.

Get to know Peter Orszag

Get to know Ron Paul’s primary opponents. As always the “paul-tards” are rather hilarious.

America: Statistics and Damned Statistics

Hey!   Doc Hastings is hiring!
Allen Grayson, is that you?

Harold Ford’s upcoming book.  What’s the point of his Senate campaign?

Secrets of the TeaParty.  Both sides against the Middle and blah de blah.

Ralph Nader liked Bryon Dorgan.

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