Aussie Scandal

I have a theory about this story.

A letter from a US Marine captain criticizing Australian women’s clothing, or lack thereof, has prompted angry rebukes from Aussie men and women.

The trouble began when the marine, named Capt. John Campbell, went on a night out in Darwin, Northern Territory. During this night out, he was shocked at the skimpy clothing being worn by Australian females. Unable to contain his outrage, he wrote a letter to the local newspaper, the Northern Territory News.

“It’s about having standards, ladies,” he wrote.

“What are standards? Well, it can begin by dressing in a manner that leaves something to the imagination, to say the least.”

The letter has provoked nation-wide outrage in a country where a comfortable climate, not to mention a laid-back attitude, permits many to wear as little as they want.

The Northern Territory News reported that it had been flooded with negative responses to the article. They interviewed one girl, a 19-year-old Darwin dancer named Lana Sandic, who said, ‘Most Territory girls would say ‘Put it where the sun doesn’t shine’.”

A key to understanding the story is the odd chance that the General is fictional.

The story received more than 15,000 hits on

After his letter was printed in Tuesday’s NT News Capt John Campbell copped it from outraged Aussies, who called him “paternalistic”, an “idiot” and a “hypocrite”.

The US consulate yesterday said it was unable to find a serving marine of that name who had recently been in Australia although it said Capt Campbell may have been a retired marine.

The NT News has the letter writer’s contact phone number and email address but attempts to contact him to defend his comments have so far been unsuccessful.


This story really only exists for the purpose of news outlets to dig out some file footage of mostly naked Australian women.  Take one.  Take two. Take three.  Take four.

As the title of this blog post puts it.  … Good to know that the “American Decency Association” is on the case.

This story is a media fabrication.  It gives them that excuse they need.  Have to show the images in the interest of context.  (Though, Fox News can always find the flimsiest of pretexts.)

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