The Nobel War Prize

I keep hearing this idea, prevalent in the coverage of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony — that Obama is a president during “a time of war”.  I don’t understand that phrase.  Who, really, was the last president during “peace time”, reasonably and properly defined.  The best I can think of in a relative sense is Gerald Ford, a matter of a historical patch between Vietnam and Carter’s re-vamping of the Cold War.

In listening to his speech, it becomes clear just how ridiculous Obama’s Award has become.  It was, by design, a speech promoting American military policies.  “Peace Through Strength” if you have to hold it.  But I’m left with that basic thought that Obama was right when he listed or alluded to the vast number of people more deserving of The Nobel Peace Prize than himself, and previous Greats from the past.  The Nobel Peace Prize is wasted on politicians, particularly political leaders of “Empires”.  And hearing the plaudits from the Gingrich – Palin axis, and how this story is framed in the media, it is enough to suspect some conspiratorial trappings ala this thingy.

To pull the quote that popped out of me while reading and watching this thing, fifth paragraph in his speech.

Some will kill, and some will be killed.”

That is so very Gandhi – like.

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