National Football League Exposed as a hotbed of Liberalism, evidence: they didn’t give Limbaugh minority ownership stakes in a team

Rush Limbaugh owns a small stake of an NFL football team?  Heaven Forbid!

Actually, that was as ridiculous a story as any story of the past week, save Balloon Boy.  But more ridiculous than the thought that after every loss, reporters would horde the St Louis Rams locker-room and ask the players about Limbaugh’s last program, is some rehashing and defense of Limbaugh’s most famous NFL commentary, and Limbaugh’s new NFL comments.

Why is saying that Donovan McNabb is over-rated, and is over-rated because the sports media wants a black guy to succeed as a quarterback, a racist comment?  I don’t know.  Because Donovan McNabb is certainly a very good quarterback, and you’re hard-pressed to say he isn’t.  And his answer as to why this consensus opinion exists as it does is because he’s black.  And for that, his defenders say he’s less racialist in outlook and more he is an “individualist”.

Rush Limbaugh is upset that a couple of bad quotes float amongst his legitimate race quotes.  What’s interesting is that if you give me that list, tell me a number of quotes that are wrong, I will be able ferret out the false quotes quite easily — he’s not going to insult Martin Luther King, Jr. — he’ll probably claim him as a Republican.  For the sin of the bad quote, he gets to accumulate a total denial.

But he gets more absurd in the wake of havig to pull out of NFL ownership agreements.  As we learned in the Donovan McNabb controversy, the NFL sports media are LIBERALS.  And apparently the NFL itself, and as proof we point to the controversy of him being part of an NFL ownership agreement, is sliding into a bastion of LIBERALS.  Yes, for him the definition of “Liberal” is liberal, apolitical, black, gay, or less conservative than he.  I expect the NFL (National Football Liberals) to start running more and more liberal plays.  You know the Miami Dolphins’s “Wildcat Play”?  It’s a well known Democratic ploy.  Devised by George Soros.  I mean, it’s a play that’s run off the basis of “sharing the wealth”!

Oh for the days of the solid Conservative NFL player Johnny Unitas.  To quote Grampa Simpson, “There’s a haircut you can set your watch to!”

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