Marts is Back

“Marx is BACK”

I saw that plastered onto telephone poles and trees and the type of places these things are plastered.  It was for a conference or speaking engagement or lecture or meeting or some such for a “Young Socialists League” or some such.

I see no evidence that Marx has returned.  I suggest situations similar to an excerpt from Daniel Pinkwater’s The Neddiad — page 28

After breakfast, my father and Colonel Ken Krenwinkle went to the club car to play cards with the four Marsh Brothers, who happened to be on board. I was very excited at first, thinking the colonel had said “Marx Brothers,” but these were the Marshes, not the Marxes. They were sort of substitute, imitation Marx Brothers–they did the same sort of things as the Marx Brothers did in movies, only not as well. Their names were Gaucho, Harpy, Chicklet, and Gumball. I was disappointed, but I went along to watch them play pinochle with my father and the colonel. They were funny, but not all that funny. I got bored after a while, and went off to look out the windows.

Curls Marsh is speaking.

Meatime, I’m dodging the clipboard wielding petition and donation people, as always.  It’s a lousy job, but one that ends up a necessary stop-gap.  A duo threw out a rhyme that I can’t quite recall.  Something which rhymed “Hey, man in plaid” with some other phrases — though, I think they managed to get away from words that rhyme with “plaid”.  It sort of rubbed me the wrong way.  They were Greenpeace, and asked me to save the Polar Bear.  I didn’t say the thought that entered my mind due  to their noxiousness — “You know, maybe it’s time for the Great Polar Bear Phase Out.”  I have nothing against the polar bear, but am sort of annoyed that they are the face of Global Warming and Environmental Depredation at the expense of other creatures big and small.

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