And the spinner comes up: Kennedyesque!

A though comes to me regarding the Obamas’ new Puppy.  He is, in the hauntings of the media attention regarding the puppy and in the White House life with the family in tow, “Kennedy-esque.”  The Puppy in Camelot.  Camelot is the Puppy.

During the course of the presidential campaign, Barack Obama was compared to seemingly every single presidential candiate past and present.  He was the reincanation of Abraham Lincoln William Jennings Bryan Franklin Roosevelt Dwight Eisenhower Adlai Stevenson John Kennedy George McGovern Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan George Bush.  And probably a few others — facing the same sort of backlash that the first seriously considered Catholic candidate in Alfred Smith was facing, for instance.  Now that he is in office, I suppose we can drop the losers out of the mix, and boldy proclaim him the new Abraham Lincoln Franklin Roosevelt Dwight Eisenhower John Kennedy Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan George Bush. 

But he is not a pure amalgration of these figures.  He is one at a time.  He avoided a Carter-esque moment in getting the hostages out of the Pirate Ship — or perhaps he was the fulfillment of Carter-esque in that one?  Well, never mind: right now the public is gawking at a goddamned dog for the kids.

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