Alternate Universe President Kerry and his discontents
It’s interesting to take some stock of where things are with Alternate Universe American President John Kerry. His promised increase of American troop levels in Iraq was always ironic — in that it was a war position being accepted by the anti-war part of the electorate. I could never guage if it was the best option or not. I did hear serious or quasi-serious figures state they believe Kerry will use political cover of a generally growing anti-war public to just vamoose, the technicalities of his promise not redoubted. But, no, this Kerry Surge happened as said, started right when Kerry took office just about — the question of whether it’s given political space where the the rival factions have settled their troubles remains unresolved.
So, with an economy that has gone in the tank, Alternate President John Kerry won an unspectacular election, more or less by default — Republican candidate Mitt Romney proved tone deaf on the economic woes of the nation and a third party splinter from Ron Paul grabbed the 6 percent of the vote that allowed Kerry’s 48 percent to win the day– and streams into a Republican congressed helmed by a 59 Republican Senate. Really, this is some sort of a booby prize.
The interesting thing to see is how this whole sex scandal concerning Alternate Universe Vice-President John Edwards is going to play itself out. It now looks as though his denials of the allegations that he had an affair — and on his Cancer – strickened wife at that! — and I wonder if Kerry may just dump him now — he’s a president already struggling to get political support from anywhere — the talk is that he should just be dumped now and be done with.