Updates on the Myspace cyber-bullying Suicide Case

You know who sucks?  The Mormon Church.  That’s who sucks.  Boycott the state of Utah.

Newt Gingrich wants to End Adolescence.  Probably some things worth considering in a cultural vein, though I have a sneaky suspicion he wouldn’t mind ending Childhood and allow for Child Labor.  Also, as for ending adolescence: Dear Gingrich, you first.

Oh my god, the BAE Affair.  That’s like some sort of Larouche fever dream implanted into the Jeremiah Duggan Inquest Request.  Though, this basically makes an ironic precedent as to opening up a case versus closing a case.

Seems like this Oklahoma newspaper missed an important story.  But I’d have to know more about the editorial purview of a 5K circulation small town newspaper to know if this is disturbing or not.

Secret Service blames Palin for spike in Obama assassination threats.

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