McCain’s 2000 gaffe
Back in 2000, in a college class alongside an individual (overweight film buff, 10 years older than I, single father) where we were looking at various war propaganda through various wars. At one point, he looked down at a cartoon and said “Wow. Gooks.  There’s a term hasn’t been used since Vietnam.”
I looked at him, and said, “Actually John McCain referred to how he hated ‘Gooks.'”
He shook his head. “No. There is no way an American politician in the year 2000 could possibly say ‘Gooks’.”
I smiled and shrugged. “Well, he did.”
“No. That would pretty much be the end of any politician’s career.”
I sighed, and said, “Well. Part of his ‘No Nonsense’ ‘Straight Talk express. He did.” I knew he did, I knew how he spinned out of it (half understandably, half not), and I knew that there was no real point in arguring when I was right and he was wrong, except if I wanted to just going ahead and printing out the story about the controversy.
I never did get around to that. And I am not quite sure what the refusal to acknowledge the possibility that he said something he did says about him, explifier of part of the electorate off on the fringes of either voting or not voting.