Weekly Standard

As always, on the stands as we speak or being removed to make way for the new issue… as… we … speak.

I think its worthwhile to open up. But, looking through it I, I think it’s okay to stop at the Table of Contents page.

U.S. Military: 8; Elite Law Schools: 0. How did So Many Professors Misunderstand the Law? Peter Berkowitz.

Okay. The Federal Judiciary is conducive to relenting power to the US Military. I think I already went through this sense of dread at the Alito Confirmation of his willingness to acede to Power. I had a snarkier version of this thought, but felt the need to actually look at, and read, the article. It concerns the recent court case over the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy as discriminatory and a basis to remove Military Recruiters from College Campuses. I smirk a bit when I say or write or type, as the case may be, that I hardly think most of the plaintiffs’ real objection to military recruiters is this policy.

Three Years and Counting: Why is the Pentagon Withholding Purple Hearts from Deserving Recipients? Jim Lacey.

Maybe they’re gun-shot, what with John Kerry apparently having a non-deserved Purple Heart and all, and are weary of handing Purple Hearts out, pending individual investigations from “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth”.

Also worth a gander: a review of Jimmy Carter’s new book, featuring a petty and gratuitous sniping at the supposed Smallness of Carter’s Humanitarian work in Africa. And John Podhoretz’s assertion that “V for Vendetta is ‘Atlas Shrugged’ for the Loony Left'”.

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