not quite my alma mater…
Woo hoo! This should be great. I suppose.
Um. See, they scheduled it first so that we can just get it all over with. I mean, Kansas’s 50 point victory over Portland State.
I was indeed rooting for PSU to get that number 16 seed, because, you see, they were going to get thumped no matter what, so we might as well have it so that if by some weird happenstance they win, it should mean something. And it doesn’t really mean anything for a 15 seed to beat a 2 or a 14 seed to beat a 3, because such things have happened a time or a handful of times.
So, here we are, a college basketball team that attracted a grand total of 4 thousand fans to the Conference Championship game at the Rose Garden, ie: No one cares much.But riding on the bus the day before the Big Sky Tournament, I overheard a conversation between two college students. Seems a friend is coming in from out of town. It’s Spring Break at this friend’s college, and they don’t have sports at her college, so it’d be fun to watch, um, the Portland State University Vikings basketball team. I had a bit of cognitive dissonance with the concept — if you want to see college athletics, you attend a game in Eugene or Corvallis. As a student, I did attend a couple of Vikings basketball games, but that was only because they were handing out free pizza.
But, you see, somebody somewhere does give a flying riff.
Anyway. Go Vikings. They should be down by 20 points five minutes in the game, but you never know, do you? Except, yeah, you kind of do know.