Rubber-necking some audacious fools in a boiler room in Loudon
I gather that Larouchies are sourering and re-scourering this blog of mine for various bits of Intelligence, clues of various items into the workings of their enemies, and contrived controversies of a supposed “Get Larouche Task Force”. What else do I make of this comment, on this long past post of mine:
I do believe that Mr. Benton is correct in his statements against Dennis King. The materials in question do seem to originate from him and I honestly believe that his meal ticket does not have any more punches left for him to use. Dennis you should be ashamed and I don’t thing you should be bringing Erika Duggan in to this. Own up and deal with it!
Understand, the edict has been passed down to the LYM to get off the Internet — the explicit finale of what was implicit in the demagouging of various real and imagined concerns over the Internet. Without ever having read “The Devil in Your Laptop” (I would need a physical copy. For reasons clear to you if you’ve followed this, they don’t leave around physical copies of these things anymore. Which makes them an Internet-hating cult that relies on the Internet), I can tell you that it concerns itself with how the British Empire, together with International Jewish Banking interests, have conspired to brainwash the Youth through the Internet, video games, and computer technology.
Thus, “Rubber necking” Larouchies online means that you are “rubber necking” their central committee. Absurd as that sounds.
But this comment is rather audacious — it takes even more galls to get to this line than the lines proferred in the arguments in the “Comments” fight on the wikipedia entry on Kenneth Kronberg. Nick Benton’s phrase does not literally mean what our Larouchian suggests it means, that this “originated with Dennis King”. Benton’s gripe concerns matters of presentation — King originally presented this with a more bombastic headline than was strictly necessary. His original problem was in imagining a “Baby Boomer Purge”. This is a tricky term, because, strictly speaking, Larouche would have preferred Ken Kronberg remain ALIVE. Demoralized and at the breaking point, but a useful scape-goat to the cult’s financial and recruiting troubles, as well always present though likely just out of reach legal problems, which is a better fit then their current square-block in a round hole spot of him as Martyr to the Cause. Dennis King has stylistically changed some things, not least of which the address to his website.
Beyond that, Nick Benton can speak for himself, and has. But at the end of the day, dear larouchie, you must understand that he regards Larouche as even more irrelevant and worthy of less time and space than King does, which is roughly where the “Meal Ticket” line comes in. If the “last punch” of the ticket is being pushed, you realize that is a result of the decline and dwindle of your cult more so than anything else. An ex-member of a cult can decide to what degree to linger over their unpleasant past.
Which brings us back to THIS. Yes. That. An item which ORIGINATED IN THE BOILER ROOM IN LOUDON. Not an order to suicide, but — as the Larouche media mill pumped out in demagouging that tragic story of those two wicked parents who thought it funny to create a fictional boyfriend for their 13 year old daughter’s former friend, only to have him dump her and suggest she kill herself — words have meaning, emotions have meaning…
If you desire me to further decrease my distance to King in that daily memo, I could go ahead and cut and paste this item and post it here? And here’s Nick Benton’s original story for you! What the hey. It predates King’s posting of the document, King not being the official or only purveyor of meaning of the document — Benton’s point — nor originator of said — Larouchie commenter’s stupid bluff. I do not, however, remember whether it was buoyed about on FACTNet before its printing.
More comments from frequent poster Rachel Holmes here.
March 11th, 2008 at 8:02 am
You actually believe people associated with LaRouche scan this blog? You’re paranoid as all hell. I haven’t been here — you check that out. Who has? Jeff Steinberg? Ha, he think about your blog? Yeah, and I am the King of Pluto.
Funny how LaRouche is having success after success isn’t it? All one has to do is go to the multiple, there seem to be more and more, LaRouche associated websites and see for one’s self.
“Rhode Island passed LaRouche’s Homeowners and Bank Protection Act”
Both Houses passed it… do you actually believe they didn’t know the act is LaRouche?
“Alabama Legislature Introduces the Homeowner and Bank Protection Act”
“Former Minister Giulio Tremonti Proposes ‘New Bretton Woods'”
He’s the former Italian Finance Minister.
I could go on and on… you can’t do a thing about any of it either and the Duggan Affair… I am waiting for the indictments but am afraid I shall be waiting until George Bush becomes president again.
C’est si bon!
March 11th, 2008 at 8:20 am
Benton knows why he left LaRouche’s outfit and so do people here. There was an incident rather embarrassing to Nick. That’s all over now.
Get over it… Dennis King is nothing but a puppet, discarded when done with, and he knows it. He has to keep dancing, on a pole, or he gets the boot. Maybe he will jump? I have heard he’s having some mental health issues and has been put on SSRIs and those can lead to suicide. I hope I am wrong.
I see the same clowns are still whining about LaRouche here — like anyone cares.
March 11th, 2008 at 10:19 am
Ah, the Return of the Returning One.
If people associated with LaRouche aren’t scanning this blog, what are you doing here?
In the heaps of “noticing” you want done, have you noticed that FactNet seems to be picking up lots of new posters?
If you haven’t noticed, being far above all those things, I can assure you that Barbara Boyd has. She reads it every morning–and you are seriously naive, little buddy, if you don’t think “Security” or “Legal” scans the sites and blogs that are known to find LaRouche rather infra dig.
Good Lord, Barbara even had hubby Zeke (Elijah Cunningham Boyd, that would be) go to a performance of the Little Mozart Academy a number of years ago to take pictures of the Labor Committee members who had the temerity to show up at a concert at the Disapproved, Tabooed, Bad music school for children in Leesburg.
Not to mention Barbara’s deployment of Zeke in 2004 to call Molly Kronberg to question her about whether she’d given money to Bush.
Molly briefed a lot of members on that one at the time (including, of course, her husband Ken). No one was surprised. They figured Zeke needed something to do.
Anyhow, in the paranoia sweepstakes, LaRoucheland knows no equal.
I note with fascination your fascination with suicide, especially Dennis King’s. It calls to mind LaRouche’s “jokes” last year about King’s suicide–in remarkably bad taste, under the circs, but when was LaRouche not?
Who konws? Maybe you’ll wind up as a footnote in an update of Dennis King’s piece on Lyndon LaRouche and the Art of Induced Suicide.
But please, tell us again how you have nothing to do with LaRouche.
March 11th, 2008 at 10:21 am
Oh, P.S.–If nothing can be done about the Duggan Affair–that is, if no one can be brought to justice in that tragedy–why is that something to crow about?
Almost everything you write betrays such mean-spiritedness that truly, before God and man, you should be ashamed.
March 11th, 2008 at 11:21 pm
“Almost everything you write betrays such mean-spiritedness that truly, before God and man, you should be ashamed.”
Amen, Sister. Brutal, albeit eloquent, truth.
March 12th, 2008 at 10:50 am
Oh, one more thing–speaking of the Myth of the Eternal Return–why do you, revenire, keep carrying on about why Nick Benton left the org?
That vicoius obsession of yours seems to me to be right up there with all your other mean-spiritedness.
Also wanted to say again how appalled I was to read your “c’est si bon” bilge in relation to the death of Jeremiah Duggan.
And hey! We don’t have to “do anything about it” because God will. Lyn doesn’t need to worry about us, he needs to worry about the Judge of all the Universe.
One more thing–just a mild “I told you so”: I am reposting here a prescient post of mine from January 31st–and referring you to recent briefings reproduced over on FactNet.
Here’s my prescient post:
Rachel Holmes Says:
January 31st, 2008 at 6:09 am
If/when Michael Bloomberg doesn’t run, LaRouche will simply say that he prevented it by his exposure of this fascist plot.
This is the tack he’s been taking for years–predict Catastrophe X, yell and scream about it (and, in the old days, put out tons of literature about it)–deploy members (today the LYM) to hang around on street corners papering the sidewalks with the literature and carrying on about it–and hey, presto! when it doesn’t happen, claim credit for having stopped it.
Lyn is as predictable as death and taxes, both of which he does everything in his power to avoid.
Coda: He may avoid taxes, but some day even the Old Man will die, and then I picture all those who knew him standing around his coffin saying,
“What was THAT all about?”
March 12th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
Funny how LaRouche is having success after success isn’t it? All one has to do is go to the multiple, there seem to be more and more, LaRouche associated websites and see for one’s self.
And then you link to several pieces from larouchepac.
In other news, it’s funny how Kim Jong Il is having success after success… see:
10th anniversary of Torch of Songgang Kindled by Kim Jong Il Marked
National Meeting Marks 80th Anniversary of Peasants’ Union
Successful Pencil Drawings
Many Korean Women Awarded Academic Degrees and Professorship
U.S.-S. Korea War Exercises under Fire
U.S. Talk about “Regional Stability” Dismissed as Hypocrisy
Drive for Implementing Line of Economic Construction in Era of Songun Called for
Moves for Tightened “Triangular Military Alliance” Condemned in S. Korea
Japanese Government Urged to Make Official Apology and Reparation
S. Korean Organizations Urge U.S. to Conclude Peace Agreement with DPRK
Magazine “Paektu-Hanna” Published in China
March 15th, 2008 at 7:11 pm
yeah, yeah
it must eat u joker’s up how successful larouche and his merry band is
get over duggan — germany already ruled on the case and doesn’t like the uk mucking around at all… in case u don’t know ur history the uk and germany don’t like each other for obvious reasons
ps – and u don’t know ur history
March 16th, 2008 at 4:16 pm
P.P.S. Revenire, get that apostrophe out of “joker’s.” You’re a disgrace to the LaRouche Org, my man.
I mean–where did all the editors go? (guffaw).
I expect it will get even worse when Lyn moves “LYM Editorial” out to the wilds of Round Hill.
But honestly, a Renaissance man and universal genius like yourself should be able to tell the difference between plural and possessive.
March 17th, 2008 at 6:22 pm
Three Steps to Survival
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 17, 2008
As most clearly stated by the voice of Germany’s financial market, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), the Bear Stearns bankruptcy marks the point at which the present world monetary-financial system has entered the terminal, hyperinflationary-collapse phase of that breakdown-crisis which began at the close of the previous July. Now, there are three essential measures which must be taken more or less immediately, before the situation in the U.S.A. and western Europe becomes hopeless. These are the three types of measures which I have presented earlier; those who continue to resist the adoption of these measures now fall promptly into the category of incompetence known as mental cases.
1. My Housing and Bankers Protection Act of 2007 must be adopted and set into motion immediately. If not, the situation of the U.S. becomes quickly hopeless.
2. A two-tier credit system, in which a.) U.S. government credit for physical-economic recovery programs is provided at between 1-2%, and b.) other utterances of credit-injections float more or less freely.
3. The U.S. government must now immediately approach the governments of Russia, China, India, and others for the prompt establishment of an international, emergency fixed-exchange-rate system, ending the presently hopelessly bankrupt floating exchange-rate system.
Under that latter, proposed agreement, long-term treaty-agreements must be focused on intergovernmental development of capital-intensive types of essential basic economic infrastructure, as in: a.) new construction in power generation (with emphasis on nuclear), b.) fresh-water sources creation (relying largely on high-temperature nuclear reactors), c.) increasing reliance on synthetic fuels, such as high-temperature, nuclear-power-generated power, in place of petrochemical materials used as fuels; d.) high-density systems of globally integrated rail, maglev network developments must replace presently excessive reliance on highway transport; e.) de-emphasis on giant conglomerates and monopolistic practices, in favor of smaller, more closely held productive enterprises dispersed as essential elements of the economy of moderate-sized regions of combined private entrepreneurial industry and agriculture; f.) heavy, and increasing emphasis on development of high-energy-flux-density modes in technological progress of manufactures and other applications.
The present Trans-Atlantic monetary-financial system is now hopelessly bankrupt; the wild-eyed measures associated with actions by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve System represent an eruption of lunatic recklessness beyond belief! Those relevant public or private officials who disagree with that assessment, or who continue to oppose the HBPA as I have defined it, now clearly require professional psychiatric care.
Since efficient, modern production and supporting infrastructure, require emphasis on capital intensive forms of physical capital investments in the order of between a quarter-and a half-century estimated useful life over the course of physical and/or technological attrition, long-term treaty-agreements among trading-partner nations in those orders of magnitude, at interest rates charged to and among governments in the order of 1-2% per annum, will be the required practice if proper human goals for populations, as in Asia and Africa, are to be reached.
To facilitate this, the pseudo-scientific, neo-Malthusian humbug of so-called global warming, must be brought to a halt; otherwise, a plunge of the planet into a mass-murderous new dark age, one worse than that experienced by mid-Fourteenth-Century Europe, were inevitable for the planet as a whole.
There are no known, sane alternatives existing at this juncture.
The success of President Franklin Roosevelt’s reforms of the 1932-1944 interval, is the model of policy-shaping which provides a proven precedent for the policies which must be adopted among sane nations now.
It should be noted, that the current proposal for privatizing systems of basic economic infrastructure, and the Tower of Babel model which the British Empire has drafted for adoption by a proposed, neo-feudalist form of empire such as the Lisbon Treaty draft, is not only a mimicking of the Biblical Tower of Babel, but, as proposed by New York Mayor Bloomberg et al., is a proposed return to the league of cities monstrosity associated with the Lombard League’s plunge of Europe into a medieval New Dark Age, whose effects included an obliteration of an estimated fifty percent of the parishes of Europe, an estimated collapse of the European population by one-third, and the pollution of Europe by screaming, predatory hordes of those maddened creatures typified by the Flagellants of that time.