silly Oregonian

A while ago, a trend was noticed about Time Magazine covers.  Time had apparently found a formula to get the magazine to stick out from the cluttered magazine racks: white background, the human subject figures in foreground in sharp relief.

The Oregonian has evidently found a similar formula.  I don’t quite know how to describe it, but it tends to involve feature articles that have no business being on the first page, non headline headlines, and a large image.  The other day the Oregonian presented us with an image of a deer, with the headline “Oh Deer”, because apparently “Doe, A Dear!” was too glib.  The article concerned that whimsical story about the deer that ran was somehow misplaced into downtown Portland.

Today the front page of the Oregonian has a similar design lay-out, though the headline is more sedate, even as it is not properly front page headline material.  It concerns NRA approved Gun Control, or some such — Page 3 material, perhaps.  Actually it seems to be an excuse to use that image of the Virginia Tech killer pointing two guns at the camera — an obnoxiously exploitive image, an act of yellow journalistic tendencies on the Oregonian’s part.  I would think the Oregonian should know better or have more integrity, but then I have to knock my head and realize they featured a front page story about a Deer the other day.

The Willamette Week just prefaced the story of the raid on illegal immigrants (undocumented workers, if you demand political correctness from me) at the Del Monte plant with an undercover stint in their employment a few weeks’ ago, reporting that about 90 percent were pretty clearly underpaid illegal immigrants.  The Portland Mercury ran a raid during the Rose Festival where they removed sidewalk reservation taping on the parade route.

Figure the newspaper hierarchy out yourownself.

2 Responses to “silly Oregonian”

  1. jim Says:

    and your point is you are wasting my time with your even more stupid rheturic

  2. Justin Says:


    I know you are but what am I?

    Takes one to know one.

    Your mother is so stupid, she tripped over a cordless phone wire. (Or is that fat?)

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