Peter principle redoubt

There is a quote regarding Jimmy Carter, looking up via google I see in different iterations and some with names plucked in… There are forest people and tree people ( or, men, as the designation had it). Keep an overview of the situation and maybe skimp on the details, or delve into the details and maybe lose some track of the big issue. Jimmy Carter? “Good lord. He was a Leaf Man’!”
And so came to be the political problem of Carter. Now who Elizabeth Warren, who came in with her “plan for that”, and that, and that. Her stock and trade. She’s a leaf woman. I suppose the fact that Jimmy “Leaf Man” Carter got to the presidency and Elizabeth “Leaf Woman” Warren did not shows the gender barriers, but the political liability remains.

Or, do we need at the outset to have a “plan for that” on coronavirus? Nay, we need more nimbleness than that — or, we largely do but we need as much a plan to forge a plan.

It still doesn’t entirely sum up how Elizabeth Warren lost — which always comes with an assumption that she couldn’t failed as much as she is failed.
This National Review article comes pretty close to a better explanation — Alexandria Ocasio Cortez endorsed Bernie. Apparently disagreeing with the insane op-eder claiming Americans apparently couldn’t see that she is a once in a lifetime tale talent and reward her with the presidency. (Dukakis, a previous “got a plan for everything! “Competency personified”, likely had someone somewhere saying the same damned thing.). After that we had the basic problem of her seeming to chase him — which, as we see got him nowhere near the not even close vote tally Bernie got four years back.
And apparently everyone is just now waking up to the bi-frocated nature of Bernie’s primary tally of four years’ back. You could see it back then with the vote of West Virginia — something which bled into that OHMIPAWI. (Extent in the Obama campaigns, but that was the value of Biden. Why? Weird, eh?. Still bled profusely in the midterms and with a scare of bizarre primary opponents.)

The early showings of Biden on the campaign hustle as presumptive nominee aren’t all that encouraging. I guess we will have the internet activists hitting him on some hot button isusues, stringing forth an outrage machine. I read people in the bottom half of the internet convinced the dems will dump Biden for Hillary or Michele. Sure…

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