
How Rocky De La Fuente’s nine 2018 political campaigns went

The perils of facebook moderation

Houston tries to ban robot brothels

Andy Richter getting in front of a scandal.

Sweden has an “Advertising Ombudsman” which has declared a common internet image placed in advertisements as sexist.
… As twitter bothers with definitions of “dehumanizing” language, it is worth pointing out… the image is very human.

In Russia… Woman assaults men for “man-spreading” on public transit.  Image here poses the question:  Even supposing some level of sympathy… THESE PARTICULAR MEN ARE NOT keeping a seat out of someone’s butt.

Recalling Kamala Harris’s mendacious performance in the Kavanaugh hearings.

Bulgaria and current male neurosis in the wake of the metoo moment:  This is one “ends justify the sordid means” thought.

Will North Korea take over South Korea?




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