BiPartisan Commission in the Offing
President Bush will establish a bipartisan commission in the next few days to examine American intelligence operations, including a study of possible misjudgments about Iraq’s unconventional weapons, senior administration officials said Sunday.
NY Times 2-2-04
I don’t know why exactly, but I’m not really interested in reading the Lieberman / Rumsfeld Report. The fascinating thing here is that those with eyes to see can pretty well connect the dots on what happened (at least during the Bush Administration) with regards to Iraq, and it’s not terribly pretty. This should be as big a self-parody as the Hutton Report turned out to be.
For the conspiaranoid, check this one out:
What are they trying to tell us there? Next thing they’ll be telling us that they’ve tapped Henry Kissinger to head the Investigation.
Suggestions being taken about other possible bipartisans tapped to look into apologetics for the further obfusication of the run-up to war.
Ted Rall’s blog covering Clintonian inanities.