The Planes… The Buildings… The Models… The Dots… The Odd Dots…

Occasionally I have to ponder how these things travel around through cyberspace, and what bumpy speedbumps allow them to reach some people at some times, and other people at later times…

The last item that had me with this question came when I started noticing Biking Through Chernobyl seemingly everywhere. What high-volume website linked to that?

Which, I guess, is part of the question that meme project is trying to unravel.

Atrios linked this.

I’ve seen this before. Over a year ago. I think from the somewhat sketcy informationclearinghouse, which I read regularly.

Well… actually, I breeze over it, take a general tone of what disparate sources are saying, and read when something strikes me as relevant. Much as I breeze over, say, The Oregonian. Headline writers, take heed, as always.

I’m struck, though. Atrios never came across this before?

Beyond the creeping feeling of either incompetence or of misplaced priorities, which is blazened more from Condi Rice’s 2002 statement on the matter of planes as missiles…

the more conspiracy-minded (I do have the Alex Jones weblogs pieced together in a folder in my bloglines compendium) take it to mean… the government… did it.

Or, maybe even…, well, the Murdoch owned outlet had a headline designed to sell papers.

… one of the rare instances when a NY Post headline received more credence from the left than from the right (How do you think this headline went over under this dichometical rubric?

The bizarre Condi Rice quotation, “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile.” feeds into this shallow graveyard of conspiratorial bliss as much as it’d feed into the more subdued explanations…

Start with the question Why did Condi say that?

And the dots may get connected in a rather haphazard manner… Some dots that are off the screen get connected to dots that are dead center…

Odd dots.

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