He Singlehandedly Destroyed Communism, You Know

Carter is next, you know.

Bush must be disappointed. While he can wrap up the fight against communism with his WW2-tinged European tour into “War on Terror”, Reagan ceases to be a bullet-point in October. Or September. The best time for Reagan to have died, politically speaking, would probably be in time for a gala-memorial at the Republican Convention.

But this is pure cynicism. Even faux-cynicism.

1983 was an apocalyptic – tinged year. Despite what my 6th grade fundamentalist CCD teacher had said about the Cuban Missile Crisis being the climax of history, the spy novels I’m familiar with tend to hold the country in the dark on the dangerous events that destroy the world. Thus, a sober assessment shows that 1983 was the climax of all Ameri-centric world history.

Nixon memorials and TBN specials coming up soon at this url… Watch for them.

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