Questions that Need Answers

Why was C-SPAN showing nonstop banner to banner coverage of Ronald Reagan’s casket?

Why did Fox News do a one-hour interview with Dan Quayle reflecting on the meaning of Ronald Reagan’s life?

Seeing as how Bush’s campaign page is now a shrine to Ronald Reagan, (and there are fractures within the Bush-love coalition, and nobody’s really warmed up to Kerry*) does this mean that the election is going to come down to “We Love Reagan” versus “Anybody But Bush”?

(* It’s interesting to note, noted here as well as many other places, that Kerry appears less frequently on Bush’s website than Bush appears on Kerry’s website. Likewise, Bush’s ads are more negative toward Kerry than Kerry’s are toward Bush. This despite the generic sense that Kerry’s campaign is “Anybody But Bush.)

2 Responses to “Questions that Need Answers”

  1. Brandon Says:

    Where is the week of mourning for Ray Charles? That’s what I’d like to know.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Ray Charles on the money. ALL THE MONEY!

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