The Stupid Debate Continues

Dick Morris’s punditry always stikes me as… off.

He’s picked up on this meme.

The implications of his opinions are startling:

So… No terror attack means that Osama wants Kerry to be the president. Odd, since Bush partisans are always quick to say “We haven’t had a terror attack, so re-elect Bush!”

But, and we all know where I’m going, follow me here:

So, the key issue is whether America is at war or at peace. And Osama bin Laden has more to say about that than any other person. If he ratchets up the terror threat to the United States and has us looking over our shoulders and thinking twice before we fly, we will feel at war and will back Bush. But if he lets up and backs off for the election, we will revert back to our peacetime posture and likely elect the Democrat.

Replace the name Osama with Bush.

And George Bush has more to say about that than any other person. If he ratchets up the terror threat* to the United States and has us looking over our shoulders and thinking twice before we fly, we will feel at war and will back Bush.

* Up to “Orange Alert”, you see… and release 4 year old information if you must, you see…

Still, Dick Morris does suggest that Osama might “want” Bush… “Hardliner” against “Hardliner”. He can rationalize the “Spain Situation” (“Appeasement”, he and the NY Post readers believe) as part of the Grand Osama Strategy.

Still, if there were a Terrorist Attack a week or two after the election of John Kerry — the Dick Morrises — or more potently the Dick Morris readers of the world– would have their heads explode, the idea being that Osama wants Kerry, and post-poned their attack to mock us.

And the Election Deserves to go the other way, you see, because we must be strong… as so Kerry Must Be Strong.

It gets a little absurder all the time. I tend to think that one Infidel Crusading Zionist, from the vantage point of Bin Laden, is as bad as another Infidel Crusading Zionist — but we have notes saying that Al Qaeda prefers Bush and we have notes saying … well, I think we have notes saying they prefer Kerry…

Though those notes are lessons in reverse-psychology.

Unless they’re lessons in double-reverse psychology.

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