The two month drill

I see a Kennedy yard sign. Something about Declaring Your Independence. The sign is off because I do not think I saw it up there before his “suspended his campaign”. And I guess such a sign does not necessarily work against the Kennedy drop out speech, as the man did state that outside of ten states where you need to vote for Trump to stop Harris you should feel free to vote for me — Kennedy — I still wonder if the lawn sign owner is paying attention with this one. I do not even not what ten states Kennedy refers to — we have things down to seven swing states — eight of you toss in the Omaha district of Nebraska. Maybe he has figures Oregon for the additional states? Maybe California, which Trump believes would go his way of Jesus were counting things because — Jesus is just that in the tank for Trump.

In terms of ad purchases, Trump has actually gotten it all down to two states. Basically. Pennsylvania and Georgia. We can plausibly see little else for the man in the coming months except rallies in those states. Trying to read the tea leaves and sanity of the Trump campaign, I do sense some method to some of the madness. He called out and insulted Brian Kemp as one step to bring him to heel when we need to stop counting.

He has made a first into a few weird niche YouTube figures and podcasters — sub Joe Rogans. A guy by the name of Aidin Ross who — to glance over at his ouver is to fear for the “Generation Zoomer” future. There is. No. Substance. With him. All suppositions that the man is somehow “fascist adjacent” in “alt-right” ideology fall by the wayside because — if he were, he would at least be communicating something. By most accounts Lex Fridman is better — but a sort of free floater soft ball allowing “just let whoever I am interviewing answer what they want to answer” — what little I see is hardly impressive. Here we do get a new blip that was also there in his rambling answers to the head of “Moms for Liberty” — Trump stating that he lost the election of 2020. That is a new one, isn’t it? Throw it into the crapper in consideration of January 6. It don’t.

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