“Wow. Poor Alec Baldwin” — Lenny Bruce

I was wanting to return to the great debacle of a debate and pluck out something middlingly substantive from the wreckage. Just for giggles, mainly. I did tease out the funny thing on the Trump – Biden tariff policy splitting away from the Clinton – Bush – Obama policy, and the reality that Trump 2.0 is not Trump – Biden on this. No one much cares, but it is good to force high minded thoughts.I

I can say that the foreign policy press conference was maybe the most impressive pile of substance I have seen in my lifetime. I am not heading on a curve. There was one bothersome point that legitimately feeds the narrative, and the couple found that shouldn’t but get the attention. Maybe there is some Clinton presser over The Northern Irish Peace Accords I am missing, some thing of great import that has no electoral meaning in the States. The total effect is, upon reflection, a realization of just why the old man does not want to hand it over to Harris — International relations, too important, he is “uniquely situated’, though again electorally I don’t see the sell.

And Donald Trump joins Gabby Giffords and Steve Scailise. To be perfectly bi-partisan. Bring two of them for that purpose. What of Many Pelosi’s husband? Now I would need a Republican to off-set again. The former president is shot. Yes, this is where the dictum of “never read the bottom half of the Internet” comes in. Lately, in pursuing of various clips relating to Democrats and Biden, I can’t help but think what I see there is a pie of bs. Rosenberg, that Democratic Party optimist who “predicted there would be no red wave in 2022” . The darkly comic note you see is he had moved “The Democrats Can Win!” from his earlier ” advantageous position when all the chips are out forward. Rather be us than them!”. Some chips have been shoved forward, and the ball is fumbled. Nothing changes. The Russian bots, he says, are flooding the zone playing both sides on Biden. All furious on the other side in Democratic politics. It is kind of curious to see YouTube commenters — because, it is fathom some of them as being real. Things end up stilted. The problem, of course, is this is the nature of partisan politics. Fake! Real! All the same. Today I stumble on the “Trump goes up ten percent!”. Sure. ” MSNBC and CNN have some explaining”. Uh huh. The partisan rejoinder is obvious. Biden condemned political violence here. Trump — January 6 — the end — that is your split screen on that one. Even though last we saw Romney didn’t want to talk about that when going on with his Republican caucus to greet the man…

Partisan rejoinder on that is… Antifa (you know, the guys who smashed Multnomah Democratic Party headquarters post election 2020l, Floyd Protests (list of stories of people charged with crimes within it always ignored in these venues.)

There is one moment in the news clip that is disconcerting and scary. Flip the script and I cannot figure this gesture on behalf of a Democratic politician, or for that matter anyone but Trump. The crowd in the chaos of the scene, Trump offers reasonably a salutary fist raising. And some men in the crowd shoot into the camera frame. Stick out the middle finger. All right then.

I would want to venture into the conspiracy corner of things, but they are all in for Trump these days. Kind of ironically, the conspiracy Yahoos pre-Order assassination would have zero use for him. I wonder what it takes to do a 180 flip for anyone anything anywhere right now.

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