joke candidates and their discontents

The “all right. How did Lord Binface do?” pops in when I see the exciting British elections, and its Labour Party landslide, is happening right now. It is a polite joke that has lost any bite – – it is fun to see the YouTube clip of the Lord Buckethead in the line-up announcing a Margaret Thatcher victory, but really only as an ingredient to a bigger piece — we are watching him bowing to his vote tally, but only in context of a batch of hecklers shouting “Fascist!” when Thatcher gives her victory speech. The thing takes on a tad more in being derived from a movie starring Chris Elliott — the reason the name had to be switched over to “Count Binface”, though a Lord Buckethead was involved in a post – Brexit “Remain” campaign, according to The Spectator article declaring Lord Binface not funny.

Disappointingly, this one loses the script. He had run for London mayor — biding time for the standard run against the Conservative Party leader, probably tending to what counts as his hip urban fanbase. But in this run — why care? Margaret Thatcher was the dominant figure people liked to shout “fascist” at. What does Binface add to the scene of Rishi Final glumly taking in the horrors of his election results? Hopefully after this pointlessness our joke candidate can see to it to just retire from the scene, let someone else come in — hopefully organically, though, it did take a while for the copyright claim to stomp over Lord Buckethead and it is hard to picture in today’s age how someone can take off with an obscure movie reference and not get clamped down more quickly.

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