Gutfeld Today

Touring himself as the top rated late night show host — and in the current climate it does strike me that a weird advantage Republicans have in a double-edged sword manner is that the fixtures of late night talk show tv, Kimmel and Colbert, are way too easily sortable into Democratic fundraisers — I had a misguided long leash benefit of the doubt assessment on Greg Gutfeld. The problem I came up to was that the liberal sphere of the Internet, your Huffington Posts and Media Matters, on multiple occasions posted and alerted “outrageous” comments from him that were (1) not particularly partisan and (2) in a jocular vein, not particularly outrageous. Maybe if we make any steps in policy directions, you would have to modify it into some things more serious, but for the moment having to be earnest in all things in all times is not a way to live.

The second reason I had in punting toward a defense and assuming he is not just wrapped up as the bottom of the Fox News commentary machine was a kind of glib commentary on just how godawful conservative is, as represented by this show and especially graphics. I have gone through this in the band’s with the Babylon Bee, a sense that the only thing maybe unfunnier than it — if indeed the case — is this endless cries of just how unfunny it is and it violates these precepts of rules of funniness. In other words, it has a right to be unfunny, and be successful as something not funny, so what are the stakes here?

I had only watched 2 segments of his show. One had stupid analysis on the Republicans’ inability to get their Speaker in but whose stupidity was basically stupid in the way a Huffington Post article I saw at the time was. The Huffington Post article was that “Republicans need to do what women have always had to do — settle!” Half Clever if I squint, but just having any relationship to the situation at hand – – It was Marjorie Taylor Greene and a few others blowing the party leadership up, there was nowhere to “settle”. I can’t even recall what Gutfeld and crew were saying, but it has no foundation for analysis. The other segment I watched was a relatively well known in small circles horse shoe theory of a leftist reading off a “[this industry] gives [number] amount to Democrats, while only giving [amount minus however million] to Republicans, so I should vote Republican. [this industry] gives [number] amount to Republicans , while only giving [amount minus however million] to Democrats, so I should vote Democrat” list. I later watched him on YouTube going over his Ticket Carlson appearance, suggesting that at the tail end he friendly brought up a point of contention, though watching it I could not figure out the point in a gentle manner that allowed Carlson to wave away concern for the poor as “and it is just used as a political prop.” He is a convenient guy for Republicans to have on their shows.

In the past few days, I do see Gutfeld go over the bend and establish himself as just the partisan hack and back end of the Fox News message machine. He has on the G8 footage of Biden, wandering off, the full footage cropped. He rails on, that the Democrats should hope he — “that” — doesn’t win because because of by “shenanigans” Biden wins, how is anyone going to believe that “that” won? The answer is multitudinous. Enough people saw other things as well. The State of the Union speech. The contradictory message of the drugs Biden needs that will allow him to not doze to sleep in the debate. And somehow Gutfeld, sitting there in New York City, fails to see all the people who don’t like Trump. Gutfield sits on a rigorously scientific number of sixty-five percent that someone (Real Clear Politics) has of Trump winning, thinking it both irrefutable and more like one hundred percent. Today I see on YouTube an image I did not click on where the man is going to scoff at criticisms he has –there is a cringe-worthy enough phrase “adjective-fake” to situate the existence of cropped photos and out of context media. And maybe he does go to the full image in this one but suggest that it does not matter because God damned Biden looks old. But I am mostly struck by the unpleasant image he projects on this thumbnail. He really does look humorless, unpleasant, and unhappy. Different from dishonest, but now I see he is that as well.

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