
There is a clever thing which has cropped into the Trump stump speech, that whose dynamics seem to elude the Democrats who drop it into the litany of Trump “telling us who he is”. The quotation is along the lines of “I don’t care about any of you; I just want your vote.” It is the cynical awareness of much of most of Trump’s voters – – transactional politics. Arguably in the case of “public servants” and the high-minded manner politics has been discourses the premise is a double-digit sword — one person sticking their finger in the wind is another’s listening to the public. This is not precisely what is going on with Trump — here and there it is what you have on policies of pandering with just about another president and most politicians — but its hard edged double edged sword is still the same result.

The effect is that when Biden offers one bottom-line assessment on Trump, shown in the latest ads — “Trump’s only in it for himself” — which, to be sure, is a good line of attack — no other president in American history has as all encompassing a personalized ego-driver of purpose for governance — there is an eye-rolling response for it. Yeah. That’s what he said. And it is both kidding and serious, in the guise of both kidding and serious. Such is the logic of President Trump.

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