
The question I stare at considering the “Lowest Common Denominator” line pitch from the Biden campaign against Trump — the spate of ads that has it that “something snapped” in Trump after losing in 2020 — is “To what extent do I agree with it?”. Some. Some not. The metaphor is probably off even in the “some” case, as that would suggest a clearer demarcation than what we have and what is the problem of January 6 — it could only be true if there had not been a long set up before the election to declare victory on election night, and it could only be true if Hillary Clinton’s points in the 2016 debates on his refusal to accept the results of his Reality tv award non results were not something that happened. Continuations are not breaks.

It is a theory of an election. Latino and Black men and Youths are shading off from Biden. The younger cohort of Generation Alpha or Zoomers are more Republican than their older cohorts — Trump has always been the normalized for them never knowing how absurd this reality is, they became radicalized during civid playing video games, have a natural desire to rebel against their older siblings, the Democratic Party standard bearer looks his old age and is easily cropped to tik tok as in farcical ways to accentuate it, and they never experienced the Cult of Obama. The landing bridge off of a handful of 2020 Trump voters needs to be smooth. See too that the one splash of attention Biden gave during the big trial redirected attention to the case not coming — Robert De Niro was not about to dwell on something broadly viewable as “paid money to shut up a poem actress” — the seaminess a good shield from the crime, the crime of you want to bother with it a tad too white collar in nature.

The gamble of the election campaign line. Frankly, my gauge it is successful into November. But then the dumb question is — can, at long last, Trump go away, or be made to do so? I have my doubts. And we go through this stupid game yet again, with a few more of those undertones of the electorate make up exposed.

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