The Bronx is Burning

It is hard to recollect just what was the, quote-in-quote, “controversy” on the Obama invitation to the basically safest of safe black hip hop / rap stars Common. The Fox News hosts, Sean Hannity most prominently, ripped through his “incendiary” lyrics, ignoring that the next lines negate the incendiary-ness. The big take-away was that Sean Hannity must be at war with The Gap — as Common appeared in some advertisements for them.

Looking at wikipedia, an issue was brought up on some allusion to support for Mumia Abu Jamal, which the Obamas waved away as a disagreement. The other name referenced that a police union grit their teeth in press releases was Assata Shakur. It does not appear either was presented at this White House poetry presentation.

Today, Fox News is a flutter in pumping up a Trump rally made in the Bronx. The YouTube images and headlines get comical in its hallucinatory gushing. There is a black “law and order” “victim’s rights” anti-bail reform figure, appears to be a fixture of the Fox News sphere — and quotations “There was something ‘supernatural’ about the Bronx rally”. Also “magical”. We get some close cropped up close crowd shots near Trump himself and as rejoinder on the MSNBC and related media outposts on relative smallness of crowd, an issue as Trump claims it is bigger by a factor of 10 — “AOC is Jealous of Trump’s Crowd”. And they interview every single black supporter in the crowd they can find in what was — I see in the backed overview of the grouping — largely made up of white people, for “Media shocked by Black Trump Supporter” line.

Not displayed here is anything for the two musical performers Trump brought into the stage.

Williams faces charges over an alleged conspiracy to commit murder and Chambers has been charged as a co-conspirator in a sprawling 140-count indictment, according to a news release by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office and court documents. They have pleaded not guilty to the charges. Williams and Tegan are two of 32 alleged gang members who were named in the indictment, which includes charges of murder, shootings and assaults.

Did they come to support Trump by weighing possibility of pardons?

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