
There is no story on the “Unified Reich” business. It is not even the case of shoving aside through wormhole apologetics the “bloodbath” comments — implausible plausible deniability — “he was talking about the auto industry!” – – or “good people on both sides” — by the point in the game, any actual “good people” should have been able to see they should skip this march. And it is not even what I first assume the story is — the edgelord Trump supporter sneaks the phrase into the video. No. A computer program with a backdrop of historic newspaper fodder. Barely noticable. It was an amateur production put before Trump, so the blathering I hear in Joe Trippi’s podcast on professional ad making does not mean anything. You can practically see the kinescope logo on the video. If you must place the trouble on keeping it up for 15 hours, keeping the neo-fascist Steve Bannon “no enemies to the right” contingent, then maybe you can go there, but otherwise I just want to see a pivot to everything else and get this one dropped.

And I watch an MSNBC harping on Donald Trump speaking before the Libertarian Party Convention without pointing out one thing. They did indeed invite Joseph Biden. He just had nothing political to gain from speaking there, as Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr do. There is a story about the entryism takeover by the “Mises Caucus”, though this MSNBC segment and interview with deposed former delegate fails with any specifics on the story so does indeed get the broader based story wrong. There is something in the surreality in reading Reason magazine and seeing a disconnect to maga Trumpers in the comments section — a heavier variant of what is seen at National Review, and as for the Libertarian Party — the invitation to Trump and even unappealing there is not the issue of story, but this Bob libertarian Trump merchandise selling at the convention is and it is the story they seem to think Trump speaking there is.

Ted Cruz. On CNN. Dizzying spectacle of an interview, dancing off from the question of “accepting results of the election” with the call that they never ask that of a Democrat. Such a line I am familiar enough with — Sore Loserman anyone? — but I am stuck on his answer of proper 2020 election protocol, what he had in mind in challenging the election results to weed out the fraud. The 15 person panel that determined the 1876 presidential election. The one decided on a party-line 8-7 vote for the Republican Hayes over Democratic Tilden. Generally history records as a fraudulent result, except with some relatively recent points that the black freedman vote was suppressed so it is democratically speaking more of a wash them you think. The one that the (Southern) Democrats were happy to make a deal with Hayes on in favor of the end of Reconstruction and the move toward Jim Crow. Maybe there are nuances I miss, details out of place, but for the last bit my understanding is this has been how history has been taught — at first with it presented favourably then not so much. Just to place Ted Cruz’s idea on how 2020 ought have gone and 2024 ought go forward — and knowing I would have to gird myself for the onslaught — I do want to hear Ted Cruz’s at least five minute history lesson on the 1876 election controversy and a maybe one minute post-script thing it in to present day.

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