wife’s neighbor dispute

Who hasn’t flown an upside down American flag? Or maybe Samuel Alito has emerged as a fan of latter day Johnny Cash, flying the recording label logo for his last albums.

It does occur to me that round about 2003 and 2004, one of the other of the liberal mags — In These Times or The Progressive — was running thev”McCarthyism Watch”, reporting on this or that firing or infraction levying or neighbor dispute turned fistfight on an upside American flag, the “universal distress call” of America in crisis. The problem in figuring it to any protest march in the lead up to the Iraq War is that this cohort of the populace kind of did not have all that much interest in the American flag — we talk of flag burnings but it kind of does not match their anti-nationalist ideology.

So on two scores, Samuel Alito emerges as more radical than the more radical bloc of the anti-war marchers. One is he flies a flag symbolically against proper flag waving protocol. Two is he does so in service of either the proper election of one guy over another, charitably, or, D’Souza’s 30 miles dumping game ballots into the mix.

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