Archive for May, 2024

past prologue

Friday, May 31st, 2024

Pat Buchanan and William Safire are in a bull-session writing alliterative phrases for Vice President Agnew. They high-five at “nattering nabobs of negativity”. Somewhere along the line, Safire writes down “bleached blonde bad built butch body”. Hands it over. Buchanan stared at the paper, says “I don’t get it”, crumples the paper and throws it into the waste basket.

I throw my hands a little at one point made in Marjorie Taylor Greene. It is the effects of gerrymandering, they cry. We need to fix partisan gerrymandering, a production that has in the past two decades gotten sophisticated past anything perceived prior to this century. Never mind that Greene’s district is the same geographic area, largely, as that of Congressman Larry MacDonald, John Birch Society President. They get their congressional representative and unless we are thinking “decimate that one”, that just becomes a re-gerrymander.

debunked debunking

Sunday, May 26th, 2024

I go to a Fox News story covering the latest Biden ad — headline “Robert De Niro narrates Biden campaign ad with debunked or questionable claims about Trump”. Reading over the tight three paragraphs, the story describes two items in the ad as “debunked” or “questionable”, apparently deciding to ignore the rest of it. Trump recommending drinking bleach — apparently did not happen. This is one where I had to look it up to see what where huh, and I do see a fact check website mark this famous incident as “mostly false”, and then moving into the details of the famous incident all of which should move the claim over to the “mostly true” category. It hinges on the fact that he did not use the word “bleach”, though it did describe scientists as “horrified” at Trump’s comments. I am a little bit at a loss as to what to make of this categorizing. The desire to bend over backward The other reference the Fox News article described as out of context — “bloodshed” — the familiar “he was describing the auto industry” line. Putting it in the proper context, of course, is the line followed in a speech that begins as his campaign speeches do with a celebration of January 6 criminals. So in an immediate context they have some point, but it collapses in the slightly expanded context and even more in a broader still context. There is no plausible deniability.

There is one aspect of the Trump Libertarian Party speech, somewhere in the boo-ing and energy gained from such. He did give them a single promise — he is going to commute the sentence that one jackass, the dark web Silk Road guy, Ulbrictch — a cause no one outside of this political orbit cares about, and which strikes me as kind of just looking over a list and plucking something out. Transactional politics at its best. It is, I guess, more than Biden could give them — though I find it hard to see how it should counterweight the indifference at getting another three percent in lieu of hitching their ride with a supposed “winner”, the only other item Trump offered this party faithful and one which if it was of good concern would not have them sitting there.

The Bronx is Burning

Saturday, May 25th, 2024

It is hard to recollect just what was the, quote-in-quote, “controversy” on the Obama invitation to the basically safest of safe black hip hop / rap stars Common. The Fox News hosts, Sean Hannity most prominently, ripped through his “incendiary” lyrics, ignoring that the next lines negate the incendiary-ness. The big take-away was that Sean Hannity must be at war with The Gap — as Common appeared in some advertisements for them.

Looking at wikipedia, an issue was brought up on some allusion to support for Mumia Abu Jamal, which the Obamas waved away as a disagreement. The other name referenced that a police union grit their teeth in press releases was Assata Shakur. It does not appear either was presented at this White House poetry presentation.

Today, Fox News is a flutter in pumping up a Trump rally made in the Bronx. The YouTube images and headlines get comical in its hallucinatory gushing. There is a black “law and order” “victim’s rights” anti-bail reform figure, appears to be a fixture of the Fox News sphere — and quotations “There was something ‘supernatural’ about the Bronx rally”. Also “magical”. We get some close cropped up close crowd shots near Trump himself and as rejoinder on the MSNBC and related media outposts on relative smallness of crowd, an issue as Trump claims it is bigger by a factor of 10 — “AOC is Jealous of Trump’s Crowd”. And they interview every single black supporter in the crowd they can find in what was — I see in the backed overview of the grouping — largely made up of white people, for “Media shocked by Black Trump Supporter” line.

Not displayed here is anything for the two musical performers Trump brought into the stage.

Williams faces charges over an alleged conspiracy to commit murder and Chambers has been charged as a co-conspirator in a sprawling 140-count indictment, according to a news release by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office and court documents. They have pleaded not guilty to the charges. Williams and Tegan are two of 32 alleged gang members who were named in the indictment, which includes charges of murder, shootings and assaults.

Did they come to support Trump by weighing possibility of pardons?


Friday, May 24th, 2024

There is no story on the “Unified Reich” business. It is not even the case of shoving aside through wormhole apologetics the “bloodbath” comments — implausible plausible deniability — “he was talking about the auto industry!” – – or “good people on both sides” — by the point in the game, any actual “good people” should have been able to see they should skip this march. And it is not even what I first assume the story is — the edgelord Trump supporter sneaks the phrase into the video. No. A computer program with a backdrop of historic newspaper fodder. Barely noticable. It was an amateur production put before Trump, so the blathering I hear in Joe Trippi’s podcast on professional ad making does not mean anything. You can practically see the kinescope logo on the video. If you must place the trouble on keeping it up for 15 hours, keeping the neo-fascist Steve Bannon “no enemies to the right” contingent, then maybe you can go there, but otherwise I just want to see a pivot to everything else and get this one dropped.

And I watch an MSNBC harping on Donald Trump speaking before the Libertarian Party Convention without pointing out one thing. They did indeed invite Joseph Biden. He just had nothing political to gain from speaking there, as Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr do. There is a story about the entryism takeover by the “Mises Caucus”, though this MSNBC segment and interview with deposed former delegate fails with any specifics on the story so does indeed get the broader based story wrong. There is something in the surreality in reading Reason magazine and seeing a disconnect to maga Trumpers in the comments section — a heavier variant of what is seen at National Review, and as for the Libertarian Party — the invitation to Trump and even unappealing there is not the issue of story, but this Bob libertarian Trump merchandise selling at the convention is and it is the story they seem to think Trump speaking there is.

Ted Cruz. On CNN. Dizzying spectacle of an interview, dancing off from the question of “accepting results of the election” with the call that they never ask that of a Democrat. Such a line I am familiar enough with — Sore Loserman anyone? — but I am stuck on his answer of proper 2020 election protocol, what he had in mind in challenging the election results to weed out the fraud. The 15 person panel that determined the 1876 presidential election. The one decided on a party-line 8-7 vote for the Republican Hayes over Democratic Tilden. Generally history records as a fraudulent result, except with some relatively recent points that the black freedman vote was suppressed so it is democratically speaking more of a wash them you think. The one that the (Southern) Democrats were happy to make a deal with Hayes on in favor of the end of Reconstruction and the move toward Jim Crow. Maybe there are nuances I miss, details out of place, but for the last bit my understanding is this has been how history has been taught — at first with it presented favourably then not so much. Just to place Ted Cruz’s idea on how 2020 ought have gone and 2024 ought go forward — and knowing I would have to gird myself for the onslaught — I do want to hear Ted Cruz’s at least five minute history lesson on the 1876 election controversy and a maybe one minute post-script thing it in to present day.

wife’s neighbor dispute

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

Who hasn’t flown an upside down American flag? Or maybe Samuel Alito has emerged as a fan of latter day Johnny Cash, flying the recording label logo for his last albums.

It does occur to me that round about 2003 and 2004, one of the other of the liberal mags — In These Times or The Progressive — was running thev”McCarthyism Watch”, reporting on this or that firing or infraction levying or neighbor dispute turned fistfight on an upside American flag, the “universal distress call” of America in crisis. The problem in figuring it to any protest march in the lead up to the Iraq War is that this cohort of the populace kind of did not have all that much interest in the American flag — we talk of flag burnings but it kind of does not match their anti-nationalist ideology.

So on two scores, Samuel Alito emerges as more radical than the more radical bloc of the anti-war marchers. One is he flies a flag symbolically against proper flag waving protocol. Two is he does so in service of either the proper election of one guy over another, charitably, or, D’Souza’s 30 miles dumping game ballots into the mix.

here are the prominent democrats backing trump over biden

Friday, May 17th, 2024

The Hill headline “Here are the Prominent Republicans backing Biden over Trump” fails to account, or have an accompanying article on a list of the “Prominent Democrats Backing Trump over Biden”. Keep in mind the Republicans for Biden list only has four political figures, followed by a list of haven’t ruled on it (Romney and Cheney) and a list on neither (Paul Ryan, Christie, and Pence). It is possible that there might be named you can apply to the Democratic equivalent of the other three lusts, but as for the foremost and the headline giver:

Dennis Kucinich

Rod Blagojevich

There was much hubbub on Zell Miller, keynote speaker at the 1992 Democratic convention, showing up to keynote the 2004 Republican convention, as too the 2000 Democratic Vice Presidential candidate showing up for major speech at 2008 Republucan’s convention. And we have it again as the last one out against the eventual 2004 standard bearer is now with the Republican some five elections later!

west Virginia’s strange primaries

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

The liberal media is all a flutter on the latest primary results showing Nikki Haley with a chunk of 20 percentages. The problem comes that committed to this as a news story of import, they are committed to reporting the reporting the ten percent she garnered in the very definition of Trump Country — the state of West Virginia — where whether the vote is significant elsewhere, it is not particularly of at significance there. I assume the bulk of the lising January 6th convict House candidate’s vote did not go to Haley. For his part, Biden’s challengers wound up at 29.5 percent of the Democratic primary vote — the interesting there that the 3rd and 4th place candidates had already dropped out of the race and endorsed the second place candidate, Jason Palmer, after his triumph in American Samoa.

Biden is right now stuck laughing off the personal outlier New York Times poll results, and issuing a perhaps purposefully cringey “gauntlet dropped” on debate reformatting. There is a gambit here — reshuffle the news cycle to recapture the State of the Union magic at key intervals as too defeat whatever truth there is in New York Times outlier polls.

national nausea

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

The story of the 2016 election was one where Hillary Clinton went back and forth from a sliver of a poll lead and opening up a larger poll lead depending wholly on the last news cycle item. Always at the ready to drop a thing in against Hillary was Julian Assange with wikileaks and the Russian government through Facebook trolls and the National Enquirer. The next thing that was to drop for Trump upon recovering from Access Hollywood was the Stormy Daniels story — and we are in a little bit of horrors on this score. Part of how Trump got past the Access Hollywood tape was a desire amongst the public to simply not get duped — look past a conveniently timed October Surprise. But the October Surprise happened to just come too early. And if it were a September story they would get past it by the next round of Hillary dumpings.

The fascinating thing I cannot get past on Stormy Daniels in this case is that the veracity of her story and the details of it do not matter, details only important in that there are details — which needed to get squelched and squelched to win an election. It is fallsifying records to squelch a story for an express political aim. Whatever the story is. So Stormy Daniels is simultaneously the least important and most important person in the case — she just happens to be it. The story goes that one of the three stories the National Enquirer bought and killed was pure b.s. I guess the detail of important is Stormy Daniels conveying that Trump waved away any concern on Melanie — a loveless marriage and all — but even that would not really mean anything as such could be said by a cheating spouse as a regular cheating lie. Hell! I know the couple in a break-up that happened after the guy cheated with the insistence that “we are in an open relationship — she’s okay with it”. Of course, according to the Trump defense, a sexual rendezvous did not happen — period — so I guess this needs be brought out.

I stumble to a point of discomfort. In the waning days of the 2020 election, an attempted October Surprise of limited meaning got squelched on social media. Information free and all that, the stupid story of Hunter Biden’s laptop ought be releasable freely. But it also should clearly be seen by an educated public as b and s, slimy attempts at public manipulation The haunting thing is that this “news” dissemination would have successfully swaying a few thousand votes in Wisconsin and Arizona and etc. The short attention span nightmare we are trapped in electorally is our downfall.

libertarian party jokers

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

I see Donald Trump is going to speak at the Libertarian Party convention. The Libertarian Party invited both major party candidates, as well as Robert Kennedy jr. I guess they drew the line at Jill Stein, even though from their perspective Stein would be just as statist as Biden. Trump too, but apparently not. The Reason comments section is always a doozy of Trump fans clamouring against any suggestion of criticism or opposition from the article under the banner of Libertarianism. For their part, post takeover from the ‘Mises Caucus’, put off by Gary Johnson and I guess the woman they ran last time, are selling Trump t-shirts and mementos in honor of Trump’s appearance. So. Apparently Trump has a constituency there. Actually, a quick look see on what Ron Paul is up to these days shows him harping against the most recent Trump rejected and so killed Lankford immigration Bill for not keeping out enough immigrants, so it is not like there is any beacon from the past and this Trump Libertarian confab may just as well be.

For his part, Trump’s motive to go to this convention — a constituency sits there, surely perhaps, but also stated as — needing to stop Robert Kennedy jr. Or get to the voters who are flipping between the two. An odd one. Apparently the person who actually might win the Libertarian Party nomination is not really even a factor.

If the Libertarian Party had not reconstituted itself, and had a mind toward trying to push forward to the next election — I wonder if they ought as well nominate Vermin Supreme. Go back to the academic gadfly next time up, but in the meantime keep what faction of Trump appeal by way of amused clowning in line best they can. As were, they may just nominate Trump.

Quick snippets in Laroucheland

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Harley Schlanger chimes in on the campus protests. We move on with selective polling — 80 percent of youngsters oppose Biden’s support of Netanyahu… Yeah, no kidding. Phrasing is always key. Hell — Biden opposes Biden’s support of Netanyahu. That is the meaning of a speech by Schumer calling for new elections. Not stated is that the Israeli Palestinian War comes in fourteenth out of fifteen in Gen Z’s voting issue priorities. Still, certainly loud. I will sure to watch Jimmy Dore on Bill Maher’s “unhinged” rant.

Things get really interesting as Helga starts speaking. No mention for polling on Ukraine support for the youth, as she conflates it all into Greater NATO and we have the umpteenth “Strategic Situation”. Stateside, the Larouchies tried to lead a movement on Ukraine through allies with “Rage Against the War Machine”, but no one showed up. I guess now a fixture of left wing politics — concern over Palestine — has blown up, there is something with public support to leech on. Don’t ask where that leads the LPAC Prometheans.

Funny answer in comments to the funny question that is the video title. Nope.

Canvassing for signatures for Jose Vega. Question: is this in and of itself sucess? Interviewed convasser number one (two of you count Vega himself) — that is a lot of power to be granting Rachel Maddow. I note I see The Majority Report — former colleagues of long ago — has the anti-Zioinst tract, here a YouTube clip for an unhinged rant by Joe Scarborough.

The newly renamed Promethean Action is still referring to its web series with “Larouche Pac”. The commenter asks a query for “Schuller Institute” “edit: or these various LaRouche groups)” .

Diane Sare stoops to pandering. Canvassing for signatures in Buffalo. Real Bills fan, right?

Wind blows around. And Drew make plans to introduce the doubling the square tools to his tour of the heartlands. Cause. “That’s the way you do it!”

Mental note: take a new listen to Space Larouche’s interview by Schizotopia podcast. He does strike me as the profile of who will sign up for Larouche Org these days. As well as the profile of he who will get kicked out. Things came to blow. An old up and coming Larouche star now both disenchanted and disavowed. Maybe he can start his own Larouche group.

Scott Ritter with the same message he has been pounding for the past two years.